First off, you might be better posting this on the apache list 
( since I think this primarily a server issue 
(or maybe mod_ssl) - not really openSSL...

Having said that, I can perhaps offer some hints as to what's going on:

- 400 is a "Bad Request"... this occurs when the request doesn't follow the HTTP spec 
(e.g. not GET or POST or HEAD or whatever). 

- 408 is a timeout, usually in response to a request for a CGI program. The duration 
of the timeout is controlled by your "TimeOut" directive in httpd.conf. If you don't 
have one, the default is 300 sec - which is 5 minutes :-)

Note that the report in the log occurs *after* the timeout has expired, so it is not 
that the "attacker" is sending something which generates a 400, then waiting 5 minutes 
then sending something else which generates a 408. What is happening is that the two 
requests are arriving simultaneously but that the response to the 408 request takes 5 
minutes to be logged. 

This all means that the second request (leading to the 408) must be requesting a real 
CGI program on your server. Furthermore, the request is framed such that it causes the 
program to get stuck or in a loop or otherwise take longer than 5 minutes to respond.

The fact that this causes apache to hang is very bad.

- what is the program?
- what does it do?
- what is the request like? 

PS the "GET_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY:key arg too long" message looks like the trap against 
the buffer-overflow exploit in 0.9.6g. But this is being trapped and so I think you 
are safe against it.

>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2002 02:51
>Subject: apache and that whole "bugbear" thing
>Is this the right place to ask questions about the bugbear worm?
>On a Sun box, we upgraded openssl to 0.9.6g because of the potential
>for the whole bugbear attack... I realize it's apparently targeted
>at linux, but better safe then sorry... well, we've started getting
>hit with what we think may be attacks... they're not getting through,
>but they cause apache to lock up... it's very strange... the situation
>seems to happen as follows:
>We get a couple http requests that return a "400" status... then the
>server stops serving requests... then EXACTLY (every time) 5 minutes
>later, to the second, we get a request that gives a 408 error from
>the same IP, then apache needs to be restarted before it accepts any
>further requests...
>until this morning, there has not been much information in the logs...
>but this morning, there were some entries in the ssl_engine_log that
>looked like this:
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] SSL handshake timed out 
>(client, server
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Connection to child 14 
>established (server, client
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 
>bytes of entropy
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] SSL handshake failed 
>(server, client (OpenSSL 
>library error follows)
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] OpenSSL: 
>error:1406B458:SSL routines:GET_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY:key arg too long
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Connection to child 14 
>established (server, client
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 
>bytes of entropy
> was the ip address that gave the 400's and 408 this
>time around (different IP each time)...
>If this is not the best place to ask about this, please point me in
>the right direction... I'm starting to sweat with my boss breathing
>down my next... this is a 24/7 production server, running critical
>web applications that internal and external customers access
>constantly... so any help towards an answer would be greatly
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