Uhhhhhhh last time I checked bugbear was a virus infecting M$ Lookout users.
Don't think it runs against Linux.

At 20:51 5-10-02 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Is this the right place to ask questions about the bugbear worm?
>On a Sun box, we upgraded openssl to 0.9.6g because of the potential
>for the whole bugbear attack... I realize it's apparently targeted
>at linux, but better safe then sorry... well, we've started getting
>hit with what we think may be attacks... they're not getting through,
>but they cause apache to lock up... it's very strange... the situation
>seems to happen as follows:
>We get a couple http requests that return a "400" status... then the
>server stops serving requests... then EXACTLY (every time) 5 minutes
>later, to the second, we get a request that gives a 408 error from
>the same IP, then apache needs to be restarted before it accepts any
>further requests...
>until this morning, there has not been much information in the logs...
>but this morning, there were some entries in the ssl_engine_log that
>looked like this:
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] SSL handshake timed out (client 
>, server XXX.XXX.com:443)
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Connection to child 14 established 
>(server YYY.YYY.com:443, client
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 bytes of entropy
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] SSL handshake failed (server 
>YYY.YYY.com:443, client (OpenSSL library error follows)
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [error] OpenSSL: error:1406B458:SSL 
>routines:GET_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY:key arg too long
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Connection to child 14 established 
>(server XXX.XXX.com:443, client
>[05/Oct/2002 02:55:42 00969] [info]  Seeding PRNG with 1160 bytes of entropy
> was the ip address that gave the 400's and 408 this
>time around (different IP each time)...
>If this is not the best place to ask about this, please point me in
>the right direction... I'm starting to sweat with my boss breathing
>down my next... this is a 24/7 production server, running critical
>web applications that internal and external customers access
>constantly... so any help towards an answer would be greatly
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