Hi all,

Could someone tell me what kind of padding does OpenSSL's crypto library
use when implementing RSA asymmetric keys operations? I'm learning to
write a smart card application and I want to use openssl's crypto library
to do the off-card part of the application. I need to use the exact same
padding scheme for operations on the card and off the card.

On the card, the supported padding schemes are RSA_ISO14888, RSA_ISO9796,
RSA_PKCS1, and RSA_NO_PAD. I was told that RSA_ISO9796 and RSA_PKCS1 are
suitable for data of limited length (k/2 and k-11 max, respectively, where
k is the RSA key size in bytes). Some of my data will be a lot more than
that, so I guess I can't use those two? But which of these are supported
by openssl?

I'm new to cryptography, so any advises and help would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks a lot!


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