I had tried that as well with no success, which is what is leading me to believe this 
is a bug.

In the CSR, I have the emailAddress field set in the DN. In the CA section of the 
configuration file, I have subjectAltName=email:move in the section referenced from 
the x509_extensions option:

x509_extensions = email_extensions

[ email_extensions ]
subjectAltName = email:move

When the cert. is created, the X509v3 Subject Alternative Name field is set to the 
string <EMPTY> and the emailAddress that was formerly in the DN is no longer present. 
If I use the email:copy directive, the DN still has the emailAddress field (not 
removed), and the X509v3 Subject Alternative Name in the extensions part is still set 
to <EMPTY>.

For whatever reason, the email:move and email:copy directives are not populating the 
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name with any meaningful data.

On Friday, November 21, 2003, at 01:25AM, Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thu, 20 Nov 2003 19:56:23 -0700, Joseph Bruni 
>jbruni> I've been trying to get the "subjectAltName=email:move" directive to 
>jbruni> work in the "ca" command with no luck, so I think this might be a bug.
>jbruni> It seems that the only way I can get this to work is to manually set 
>jbruni> the line in the CA section to something like:
>jbruni> subjectAltName=email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>jbruni> This isn't very flexible if I must edit this file for every cert. I 
>jbruni> want to sign.
>jbruni> If I try to use either the "move" or "copy" options, the
>jbruni> X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: extension ends up being
>jbruni> <EMPTY>.
>Where do you expect the email address to come from?  The email:copy
>and email:move are designed to copy or move an email address found in
>the subject RDN with the attribute type emailAddress.  So basically,
>if you have a subject DN that looks like this:
>  C=SE, L= Stockholm, CN=Richard Levitte, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>... the following can be expected:
>  1. with subjectAltName=email:copy:
>     "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in an email subjectAltName.
>     Subject is unchanged.
>  1. with subjectAltName=email:move:
>     "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in an email subjectAltName.
>     Subject is now C=SE, L= Stockholm, CN=Richard Levitte
>jbruni> I have tried to get this to work two different ways: the first
>jbruni> with the subjectAltName in the DN, and the second in the
>jbruni> attributes section of the CSR.
>Uhmm, subjectAltName has no business being inside any DN.  It's a
>certificate extension, pure and simple.
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