Thanks for the info. We've looked at OpenCA but it utilizes
openssl so I figured it would be possible to do some command-line
testing. I think OpenSCEP is dead from what I gleaned...
hasn't been updated in quite a while anyway last time I looked.
I've looked over OpenCA and I must say, the docs are incomplete
and SCEP isn't promised until 0.9.2. Its frustrating. Seems like
someone would be "famous" if they provided a good open-source
solution. Thanks again.

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Barber writes:
>Sly Upah wrote:
>>Is anyone using openssl with Cisco VPN gadgets? I could use some instructions
>>(anything on the web?) with the steps involved in setting up our own CA to
>>test the possibilty of this. I have setup a self-signed root CA. But, what to
>>do next is a little unclear. Cisco's use of the term "identity certificate"
>>has me perplexed at the moment.  We just want to simply do a manual test of
>>the certificates involved before we get too deep in this. We're hoping we
>>don't have to use Thawte, Entrust, etc. as that will quickly become too expensive for
>>our univeristy. Thanks.
>You need a CA with support for SCEP.  These aren't that widespread.  We 
>ended up using Microsoft Certificate Services on a Win 2000 server, 
>although OpenCA is looking promising. There is also OpenSCEP, which I 
>don't know if it is still being supported. Please let me know if you 
>find a decent & inexpensive CA that can do all this.
>There's plenty of examples on Ciscos web site.
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