Jochen Schaefer wrote:

So, would it be possible to just name the certificate with the servers name for example "Myserver" and this server could have a dynamic IP or needs the certificate to be named ""?

The whole system I want to develop is that a user connects to a Server and triggers some commands to get/send data from or to a Dynamic IPServer. To connect the user to the static IPServer I use a SSL connection. For the connection to the dynamic IPServers I have the problem to authenticate them. Though the date and the company that issued it are known, cause its me, I don't need the IP address. An additional authentication will be done in the first one or two packets transferred between the servers to verfy its the correct one. How can I implement this in Tomcat or do I have to implement the whole authentication mechanism in my client, doing it manually instead of implementing it to tomcat?
Dynamic IPServer1*
/using SSL(server auth. not needed)/ *Static IPServer* /using ssl/ *User*
*Dynamic IPServer2

*Best regards

So this sounds to me that you want to implement the server yourself . Then it's completely your choice which certificates you'll accept. The match betwen Hostname/IP and CN is only needed if you want to serve a browser using https.
You should issue a certificate and set the CN to the user's name (or include some other information you need to verify that s/he should be given access, like the OU field) and check this in your server.

Kind regards

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