> As far as I see in msdn, the code
> 0x800b010f
> seems to indicate that the common name in the server cert is not 
> identical to the hostname
> I'd recommen to have something like the folloiung in your config file
> for your server 
> extensions = x509v3
> [ x509v3 ]
> subjectAltName   = DNS:theserver.edelweb.fr
> keyUsage      = digitalSignature,keyEncipherment
> extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
> basicConstraints = CA:false
> subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
> authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid
> [ req ]
> default_bits                    = 1024
> distinguished_name              = req_DN
> default_md                    = sha1
> string_mask                   = pkix
> [ req_DN ]
> countryName                     = "1. Country Name             (2 
> letter code)"
> countryName_value             = FR
> 0.organizationName              = "4. Organization Name        
> (eg, company)  "
> 0.organizationName_value      = "EdelWeb"
> commonName                      = "6. Common Name              
> (eg, FQDN)     "
> commonName_value              = "theserver.edelweb.fr"

D0h, I should have done a search on that error code.  One thing, 
I used a CN of "Mailbox Certificate Authority" for the RootCA and 
the FQDN for the CN (mailbox.simutronics.com) for teh server Cert 
-- But I remember somewhere that you shouldn't use the same CN 
for both the RootCA and your server cert(s).  Anyway, I'm going 
to try and re-create my RootCA and Server cert, use the same CN 
and see what happens.  
Thank you for your suggestions Peter, I appreciate the input very much.

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