I have sent this before and got no answers, It may look simple, but It's
not. Please give me some ideas, or at least if there's someone who has
installed on HP-UX 11.0 with no problems, tellme what C compiler do you
have or if you did something more besides de quick installation

I'm looking for someone who has installed OpenSSL on an HP-UX 11.0 system.
I've tried to installit and I can't get OpenSSL to work there.

I have:
- HP-UX 11.0 operating system
- Perl 5.8.5
- HP C/ANSI C Developer's Bundle for Hp-ux (S800) wich includes HP C/ANSI C

I'm trying to install the file openssl-0.9.7g.tar.gz following the quick
installation instructions and everything goes ok, the log's doesn't show
any errors at all (I have log files in case someone wants to take a look at
them) and the command line tool works just fine just adding the correct
path to my PATH variable.

The problem is when I try to use the libraries in a C program. I try to run
a simple example code I got from the OpenSSL homepage and I got an error
saying that
It can't find the openssl/xxxx.h included file:
>cc prueba.c
cpp: "prueba.c", line 2: error 4036: Can't open include file

Even IF I compile with the -I option It doesn't find the functions:
cc prueba.c -I/usr/local/ssl/include
cc: "prueba.c", line 32: warning 604: Pointers are not
cc: "prueba.c", line 32: warning 563: Argument #3 is not the correct type.
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:
   EVP_get_digestbyname (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestInit_ex (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   OpenSSL_add_all_digests (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestFinal_ex (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
  EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_MD_CTX_init (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)
   EVP_DigestUpdate (first referenced in prueba.o) (code)

I have tried everything I know to find the libraries, from specifying in my
PATH variable the path of the installation; and even to copy the
/usr/local/ssl/include/openssl directory to the /opt/CC/include/CC dirctory
and still can't get it to work.

I have the feeling that I'm missing some configuration specific from my
operating system, that's why I'm asking for your help, cause I've really
have tried to make it work first (I have reinstalled twice openssl and the
C compiler).

At this point these are my env variables related to openssl:
export PATH
SHLIB_PATH=/usr/local/ssl/lib   -- I added this

Silvia Gisela
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