Hi Dr. Henson,

You were wondering what code I used to produce the
digest:  I used my X509 certificate to get the
fingerprint with GetSHAFingerprint() - then I wrote
the X509 to PEM, then I read it back and called
GetSHAFingerprint() again and received a different
fingerprint.  Is this supposed to happen?  This is the
code that I used:

// any existing X509 cert:
m_strPEMText = X509ToPEM(m_pX509);
m_strFingerprint = GetSHAFingerprint(m_pX509);
::MessageBox(NULL, m_strFingerprint, "ORIGINAL

X509 * pSame = X509FromPEM(m_strPEMText);
::MessageBox(NULL, GetSHAFingerprint(pSame),

CString CMyCertificate::GetSHAFingerprint(X509 *
 unsigned char fp[20];
 unsigned int nFPLength = 20;
 if(!X509_digest(pX509, EVP_sha1(), fp, &nFPLength))
  return "";
 m_strFingerprint = "";
 CString strTemp;
 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nFPLength; i++)
  strTemp.Format("%02x", (0xff & fp[i]));
  m_strFingerprint += strTemp;
  if(i != (nFPLength-1))
   m_strFingerprint += ":";
 return m_strFingerprint;
X509 * CMyCertificate::X509FromPEM(CString strPEM)
  BIO * pMem = BIO_new_mem_buf((LPSTR)(LPCSTR)strPEM,
  BIO_seek(pMem, 0);
 X509 * pResult = PEM_read_bio_X509(pMem, NULL, NULL,
 return pResult;
CString CMyCertificate::X509ToPEM(X509 * pX509)
  BIO * pMem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
 if(!PEM_write_bio_X509(pMem, pX509))
    return "";   // failure
  CString S = "";
  CString strTemp;
  BIO_seek(pMem, 0);
  char pData[4096];
  int nLengthRead;
  while((nLengthRead = BIO_read(pMem,pData,4096)) !=
    strTemp = pData;
    strTemp = strTemp.Mid(0, nLengthRead);
    S += strTemp;
  return S;

--- "Dr. Stephen Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 23, 2005, M G wrote:
> > Hi Dr. Henson,
> >  
> > Thanks in advance for taking a look:  Here is my
> code that creates the certificate (I removed the
> checks on return values - they were fine)
> >  
> > m_pX509 = X509_new();
> >  
> > X509_set_version(m_pX509, 2);
> > X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notBefore(m_pX509),0);
> > X509_gmtime_adj(X509_get_notAfter(m_pX509),
> (long)60*60*24*nDaysValid);
> > X509_set_pubkey(m_pX509, pEVP);
> >  
> > X509_NAME * pName =
> X509_get_subject_name(m_pX509);
> > X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(pName, "C",
> MBSTRING_ASC,szC,-1,-1,0);
> > X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt(pName, "C",
> MBSTRING_ASC,szO,-1,-1,0);
> >
> >  
> > // self signed:
> > X509_set_issuer_name(m_pX509, pName);
> >  
> > X509_sign(m_pX509, pEVP, EVP_sha1());
> >  
> > That is all I do... Am I missing something
> important?
> >  
> > Thank you very much!
> > 
> After adding a couple of lines of code to print out
> the digest of the
> certificate and dump it as DER I still get exactly
> the same results.
> What code are you using to produce the digest?
> Steve.
> --
> Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys:
> see homepage
> OpenSSL project core developer and freelance
> consultant.
> Funding needed! Details on homepage.
> Homepage: http://www.drh-consultancy.demon.co.uk
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> http://www.openssl.org
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> openssl-users@openssl.org
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