
I have some questions about shutting down an SSL connection.

I am using TLS for the communication protocol and I am doing the following to close my SSL socket.

 if( (SSL *)NULL != *sslSocket )
   if( SSL_ST_OK == SSL_state( *sslSocket ) )
       SSL_shutdown( *sslSocket );
     SSL_free( *sslSocket );
     *sslSocket = (SSL *)NULL;

In my server application I am checking the file descriptor for errors and make sure all data has been successful read. What I am seeing is that if I don't do the following in my client CTX setup there is 37 bites of data left on the file descriptor that is not handled.

SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown( ctx, 1 );

Since the 37 bites of data does not show up if I call the above function I am guessing that SSL_shutdown is sending a shutdown status to the server application and the server is not handling this status correctly?

What should the Server application do to handle this shutdown status or is this some other issue ?

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