I deleted all ssl-related DLLs on my system now.

When I compile OpenSSL as described in INSTALL.W32, point the include library directory of my example program on "openssl\out32dll", recompile my example program, copy the 2 DLLs from "openssl\out32dll" to my example project directory... ...then my example program will succeed when I run it in Release Mode but will crash when I run it in Debug Mode.

When I compile OpenSSL as described in INSTALLW32 with that tweak (*),
point the library include directory on "openssl\out32dll.dbg", recompile my example program, copy the 2 DLLs from openssl\out32.dbg" to my example project directory...
...then my example program will crash when I run it in Release Mode
but will succeed when I run it in Debug Mode (so just vice versa).

(*) tweak in file "ms\do_masm.bat":
perl util\mk1mf.pl debug VC-WIN32 >ms\nt.mak
perl util\mk1mf.pl debug dll VC-WIN32 >ms\ntdll.mak

Surprisingly the DLLs have exactly the same size, no matter whether
compiled with that tweak or not. They are binary different though.

libeay32.dll: 1.220.608 Bytes
ssleay32.dll:   249.856 Bytes

Despite many "*.pdb" files in the "openssl\out32dll.dbg" directory
I am unfortunately not able to produce a "more nice" call stack :(

So, result is that I have to use the LIBs and DLLs from "out32dll"
when compiling and running in Release mode and the LIBs and DLLs
from "out32dll.dbg" when compiling and running in Debug Mode.
In any other mixture it simply crashes. But at least it doesn't
just halt/loop anymore.

Is it intended and/or expected like that?

Kyle Hamilton wrote:

> Are you compiling inside an IDE?  What C++ compiler are you using, and
> what debugger?

I am using Visual Studio .NET 2003 v7.0.3088 - no other compiler or
debugger is on my computer.

"nmake" spits out the following version information:

C:\myProjects\openssl>nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


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