If this needs to go to the dev list, let me know.

I am experiencing a SIGSEGV in BN_BLINDING_free because mt_blinding
appears to be 0x11 instead of a pointer to some memory.

I saw a reference to a similar problem back in 2003 [1], but I did not see a
resolution to it.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Please find the stack trace
included below.

  -- /v\atthew

1 = 

=== begin stack trace ===
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -1216694592 (LWP 3819)]
BN_BLINDING_free (r=0x11) at bn_blind.c:167
167             if (r->A  != NULL) BN_free(r->A );
(gdb) bt
#0  BN_BLINDING_free (r=0x11) at bn_blind.c:167
#1  0xb78fc730 in RSA_free (r=0x80168d20) at rsa_lib.c:236
#2  0xb791c412 in EVP_PKEY_free_it (x=Variable "x" is not available.
) at p_lib.c:479
#3  0xb791c47e in EVP_PKEY_free (x=0x80168d00) at p_lib.c:466
#4  0xb7927553 in pubkey_cb (operation=3, pval=0x80163eb0, it=0xb79889c8)
    at x_pubkey.c:76
#5  0xb792dde2 in asn1_item_combine_free (pval=0x80163eb0, it=0xb79889c8,
    combine=0) at tasn_fre.c:175
#6  0xb792e002 in ASN1_template_free (pval=0x80163eb0, tt=0xb798b338)
    at tasn_fre.c:202
#7  0xb792df15 in asn1_item_combine_free (pval=0x80166f40, it=0xb7988b7c,
    combine=0) at tasn_fre.c:172
#8  0xb792e002 in ASN1_template_free (pval=0x80166f40, tt=0xb798b3a0)
    at tasn_fre.c:202
#9  0xb792df15 in asn1_item_combine_free (pval=0xbfd25710, it=0xb7988b98,
    combine=0) at tasn_fre.c:172
#10 0xb792e02e in ASN1_item_free (val=0x80166f40, it=0xb7988b98)
    at tasn_fre.c:71
#11 0xb7928f39 in X509_free (a=0x80166f40) at x_x509.c:128
#12 0xb70019fa in ssl_init_ModuleKill (data=0x80052ca0)
    at /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/httpd-2.2.2/modules/ssl/ssl_engine_init.c:1233
#13 0xb7cc052b in run_cleanups (cref=0x8004d330)
    at memory/unix/apr_pools.c:2034
#14 0xb7cc0db0 in apr_pool_clear (pool=0x8004d320)
    at memory/unix/apr_pools.c:689
#15 0x800107fe in main (argc=-2147175656, argv=0x0)
    at /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/httpd-2.2.2/server/main.c:667
(gdb) up
#1  0xb78fc730 in RSA_free (r=0x80168d20) at rsa_lib.c:236
236             if (r->mt_blinding != NULL) BN_BLINDING_free(r->mt_blinding);
(gdb) print r->mt_blinding
$1 = (BN_BLINDING *) 0x11

=== end stack trace ===
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