Richard Koenning schrieb:
> Frank Büttner wrote:
>> Non blocking is not possible because Qt returns only an non blocking fd.
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> What is the problem?
>> What do you mean with the select() function. In the openSSL doc I can't
>> found something like that.
> select() is the standard Sockets select() function. Maybe this is in
> your case wrapped into some Qt function.
> Ciao,
> Richard

The only signals that I have is readyRead() (emit when I can read data
form socked) and bytesWritten() (emit when data was written to the
socked). I seen that OpenSSL will only have data for read when an Record
was complete transmitted. How can I find out the size of an Record?
Then I can try to call SSL_read only when all data of an record are

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