> I'm trying to automate a test against a server with client authentication.
> I created a self signed certificate, put it into the servers key database and 
> imported it into a browsers key store (e.g. M$IE cert store). Everything's 
> fine 
> - I'm able to sign on against the server.
> So far, so good...
> Unfortunately with OpenSSL-CLI (0.9.7j) I'm only getting errors:
> openssl s_client -key mycert.pem -cert suntest07.cer -connect suntest07:460
> unable to get private key from 'mycert.pem'
> 27461:error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key 
> values 
> mismatch:x509_cmp.c:411
> suntest07.cer contains the (also selfsigned) x.509-Cert of the server, 
> mycert.pem contains my private key and certificate.
Private key is read from file specified with -key option
(but not cert), key certificate is read from file with
-cert option (and private key if -key not specified).
After that public part of private key is checked with signed
public part of certificate from -cert file - they must match.
In this case public part of private key from mycert.pem
do not match public part of certificate from suntest07.cer.
Probably, you do something like:

openssl s_client -cert mycert.pem -connect suntest07:460

and this should work (provided that mycert.pem has private
key and certificate).

Best regards,
Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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