Don't get me wrong, but:
I have really appreciated you for time you have devoted to answer me,
but unfortunately it seems like it's rather your desire to be guru for others 
(i don't want to say ignorance) then real desire to help me, is why you are 
doing this. (I really don't want be malicious, i'm only trying to
prevent some usless conversation).

Have you at least read, what i have written ?
No !!! You haven't.
If you had done this you haven't answered:

> Retry the write when anything changes. That would include receiving an 
> FD_WRITE event.
>> It doesn't matter what caused the error. Whatever it is will only go away 
>> when something changes. There is no way that something can change without 
>> you knowing about it. 
>Nothing is going to change until or unless the socket changes state or you 
>>make some call into OpenSSL.
> You can wait for something to change. If nothing ever changes, the write will 
> continue to fail. SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE is OpenSSL's way of saying that 
> something has to change.

to text in which i have tried to show you that waiting in windows environment 
for events is comlicated task. If you want to safely wait in blocking function 
for some condition to be met, two things must happen:

1. The condition must be met.
2. Operating system must tell your function about it.

Who are you? Philosopher or programmer? If you are philosopher then yes, you 
have right, i must be really dumb to not understand that condition will be met 
if it will be met. (1) But if you are programmer second condition (2) is not 
such obvious.

Really, read my previous post then we will talk. I can give you more 
information if the one from previous post are not enough. But now i don't want 
to write if no one is reading.

> You are making things really complex. If you want complete control over I/O, 
> use BIO pairs.

No,no. It doesn't help. Instead of some SSL_ERROR i will get some BIO_ERROR...  
Am I making things really complex??? Now, I just want to get working code. It's 
not my fault that it is not as easy as someone may think. 


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