Hello Darryl,

Thank you for  a reply.

From glancing at your code it looks like your bulk data transfer is something like 300 lots of nBioBlockSize, and I presume nBioBlockSize is <= 10k, so thats only 3Mb of data.
The nBioBlockSize is 4096 Bytes. The transfer is 300 * buf_size where the buf_suze if 1 MB. So I'm transferring 300 MB. The problem is that the network speed is 100 Mbps, but the transfer speed of the code provided just 40-60 Mbps on my computer and 4.8 Mbps on customer's. I understand that OpenSSL is a great lib. I just want to find out where I'm wrong in the code, because I had developed a big app and experiencing the speed problems.

I dont see any timing code in the middle to separate the timings for the SSL cryptographic setup phase from the application data transfer phase. I think you are doing a piggybacked connection setup so your first application data write is performing the SSL connection setup implicitly.
Yes, you are right. The overall app have no any additional code. Here is the link for the transfer speed graph picture:

I dont see any timing code in the middle to separate the timings for the SSL cryptographic setup phase from the application data transfer phase. I think you are doing a piggybacked connection setup so your first application data write is performing the SSL connection setup implicitly.
Does this mean that the OpenSSL lib each BIO_write makes the handshake?

Thank you again,
Serge Levin
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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