> > Call SSL_write with the same parameters until it succeeds.  You need
> > to handle WANT_READ and WANT_WRITE return values.

> I guess that is clear enough.
> but does that imply if I call
> SSL_write(ssl, buffer, len),
> it will ONLY return   len
> or <0 ?
> I mean if it returns len/2 (sent only half the buffer)
> will I have to keep track of that myself or will it only return
> call #1: 0 - want write
> call #2: 0 - want write
> call #3: 0 - want write
> call #4: len - everything done
> I find the docs a bit unclear on that.
> I'm as I already stated, on non blocking sockets.

A partial write is a form of success. Once the operation succeeds, there is
no need to repeat it. You may, of course, want to write the rest of the data
that didn't get sent, but that would be an entirely new operation as far as
OpenSSL is concerned.


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