On Fri, Jun 29, 2007, Chaz. wrote:

> I need to store an alternate string that will identify the subject. I
> had originally thought I would be able to use 'othername' as the way to
> store it. When I ask for the extension back what I get is the string:
> othername:<unsupported>
> Which really isn't useful (I would like to get back my original string).
> I know I can use CN to store it, but don't like the idea of storing a
> string like A.B.C.D... in it. I'd prefer to use the subject field to
> store the name of the real subject.
> I was wondering if anyone had any possible ways around this? I am using
> x509v3 as the standard.

The <unsuported> output basically means that OpenSSL currently can't display
any otherName types. The value is in the field but OpenSSL just wont display
it with X509_print_ex() at present.

You can get the value of the field programmatically if you want though.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. Email, S/MIME and PGP keys: see homepage
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