On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 12:04:18PM -0400, Patrick Patterson wrote:
> Hi Hadmut;
> On Friday 20 July 2007 11:05:37 you wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 04:32:08PM +0200, Bernhard Froehlich wrote:
> > > Of course it would be possible (though probably a good bit of coding
> > > work) to use a LDAP library like OpenLDAP to fetch the certificates and
> > > then use them with OpenSSL library functions.
> > >
> > > Hope it helps.
> >
> > Not really, this was just the obvious facts. Doing it yourself is what
> > always works.
> >
> > But since storage of certificates in an LDAP tree is state of the art and
> > more natural than /etc/ssl/certs (keep in mind that originally these X.509
> > certificates were intended to protect and to be stored in a X.500
> > directory, which of LDAP is a subset), I wonder why this had never been
> > implemented.

Possibly because everyone is waiting for you to contribute the code. :-/

> Well, I believe that it was done this way because the OpenSSL /etc/ssl/certs 
> is just the Unix way of implementing the concept of the Trust Anchor store. 
> The thing is that since those certificates are "trust anchors", then it would 
> be highly insecure to not have these certificates locally, and if the user 

Define "locally".  In my LDAP server behind my firewall is one arguably
reasonable definition of "locally".

> was to have them locally in a local LDAP Server, then they would need to have 
> an LDAP server that was configured for a very large namespace (it would have 
> to, in essence, mirror Verisign's, Global Trusts, and all of the other 
> Certificate authorities LDAP namespace).

Okay, why?

>                                          Consequently, it is probably highly 
> undesirable to store these trust anchors as something other than a series of 
> CA certificates

Tell Novell and Microsoft, who've been storing certificates in their
directory products since late last century.

>                 (think what would happen if you were to look up these 
> certificates somewhere other than locally, and someone were to spoof the DNS 
> entry... since you are looking up these certificates to make a trust 
> decision, it would be possible for an attacker to spoof both the CA and the 
> end entity certificates, and that would be a VERY BAD THING :)

Well, that's what DNSSEC is for.  Not to mention mutual authentication
between the directory and client.

I don't see why this CANNOT be secured.  I agree that it takes careful
attention to detail if it is to be secured.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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