
My application simulates 'n' number of clients to connect to the server. For
each client to be
simulated a thread is created. Each thread have their own context
objects[SL_CTX   *ctx;
 and  SSL    *ssl] ..

I run the application in Linux .

When 1000 clients are tied to simulated the application crashes. The core
dump throws following information:

#0  SHA1_Init (c=0x0) at sha_locl.h:150
#1  0x405b2bb0 in init (ctx=0x0) at m_sha1.c:72
#2  0x405afc91 in EVP_DigestInit_ex (ctx=0x4d606230, type=0x4061f620,
impl=0x0) at digest.c:207
#3  0x405ac08e in ssleay_rand_add (buf=0x0, num=0, add=
2.5863007356866632e-306) at md_rand.c:263
#4  0x405ace6e in RAND_add (buf=0x8a269f8, num=144861688, entropy=0) at
#5  0x08a269f8 in ?? ()
#6  0x08a269f8 in ?? ()
#7  0x00000000 in ?? ()

The callback functions for mutithreaded environment  are not  set. Would
that be the issue?..The segmentation fault occurs
for greater no of clients only >900.
Please suggest.

Prabhu . S

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