> Hello all!!
> I've a problem. I need to cypher a buffer of bytes with pkcs7 format
> but I can't use certificates,i need encrypt using only a key or
> password.
> I have searched but I do not find anything to do it.
> I work with c, and the function PKCS7_encrypt() needs
> certificates...There is some another function that generates pkcs7
> format without need of certificates?
> If this isn't possible..., there is another PKCS format that allows to
> cipher any type of data only with a password? (PKCS5,PKCS11,PKCS12...)
> Someone can help me?
> Thank!
I think you are misunderstanding something. PKCS stands for Public Key
Cryptography Standards. So, these are standards for using with public (or
asymmetric) criptography, which are based on the existance of two keys (one
public and one private) ... Certificates are used to bind the public key and
its holder. Public Key Cryptography is rarely used to cipher data (is slow),
but to distribute the symmetric key used for cipher/decipher.

More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_key_certificate

So, if you just want to encrypt some data, i guess you need symmetric
criptography. Then, you could posibly need asymmetric cryptography to
distribute the key used, and for that you'll need certificates if you want
to do it securely.


Jorge Fernandez

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