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> Hello all!!
Hello Lidia,

> I've a problem. I need to cypher a buffer of bytes with pkcs7 format but
> I can't use certificates,i need encrypt using only a key or password.

Are you really sure PKCS#7 supports encrypting of data without a
certificate ?

I know it was designed as a successor for PEM, which supports
encrypting with symetric keys, but if PKCS#7 supports it,
I don't know.

But I'm almost sure that if you use PKCS#7 with public keys,
you need a certificate.

> I have searched but I do not find anything to do it.
It may be possible that PKCS#7 does not support encrypting
without a certificate.
It also may be possible that OpenSSL does only support PKCS#7
with certificates.

> I work with c, and the function PKCS7_encrypt() needs
> certificates...There is some another function that generates pkcs7
> format without need of certificates?
> If this isn't possible..., there is another PKCS format that allows to
> cipher any type of data only with a password? (PKCS5,PKCS11,PKCS12...)

PKCS#11 defines the interface to hardware modules but
not a file format.
PKCS#12 is used to store private keys and their certificates
in a file.
It may be possible to use it to encrypt other data.
But there is no (higher level) interface to do it.

You could use other encryption formats.
OpenPGP comes to mind.



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