I'll explain you the situation.I'm developping a module of SRTP and I'm using 
the openssl library inside my C code.
I need to generate a shared secret which sizes 16 byte. I exchange public DH 
parameters with the client using the DH function. I don't know how to set DH 
parameters into a defined size about the final secret, gained using 
DH_compute_key() function.
Thank you for your help,

Hector Agustin Cozzetti

Subject: RE: Doubt about the use and initialization of DH structDate: Sat, 15 
Dec 2007 13:13:09 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: openssl-users@openssl.org

I would suggest that you examine RFC 2631 (section 2.1.1) or Secure Programming 
Cookbook by Viega & Messier (Section 8.17) for information on this topic.
Typically with DH, two parties (A and B) wish to compute a shared secret.  Each 
computes a private & public key pair, exchange public keys and then use their 
private key with the others public key to compute a shared secret.
So, if xa and xb are the private keys of A and B, and ya and yb are the public 
keys of A and B, then
SS = (yb ^ xa) mod p = (ya ^ xb) mod p
Usually the value SS is combined with other information as input to a Key 
Derivation Function to generate as many bits as are required for the 
Another reference is NIST Special Publication 800-56A (chapter 6) 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Agustin 
CozzettiSent: December 15, 2007 12:15 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: RE: Doubt about 
the use and initialization of DH struct
Thank you for your reply!!!I have another question about this topic. I need to 
generate a shared secret which size 16 byte, using a DH_compute_key() function. 
How can i manage that size???? Should I use a 16 byte dh->p????

Thank you for your help,

Hector Agustin Cozzetti
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