As a followup you might ask your lawyers to verify if the NSA license is applicable to you. It is my understanding that they may only be applicable when your product is running in a FIPS-140-2 verified mode. Meaning that you have to go through the FIPS-140-2 verification etc before it would be covered by that license.

As Bob points out you are safest if you pay your own lawyers to map the minefield as it applies to your product.

- max

On Jan 10, 2008, at 1:25 PM, Bob Bell (rtbell) wrote:

Anil -

There are a lot of legal issues surrounding the use of Certicom patented ECC code. One of the things that happened a couple of IETF meetings ago was that Certicom signed a letter allowing the use of some of their patents for things like TLS. However, there are a number of legal requirements attached, including the listing/ displaying of the Certicom patents on splash screens or on the hardware device depending on the type of implementation. I would strongly urge you to have a lawyer research these licensing agreements and then research (with you) what additional patents might be involved (for instance Certicom has a patent on having an ECC public key in an X.509 cert signed using RSA) in your product. While ECC is a marvelous technology, there is a large minefield that still needs to be mapped.

Bob Bell

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-openssl- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anilkumar Bollineni
Sent: Thursday, 10 January, 2008 12:12
Subject: About ECC patent and OpenSSL ECC code

Hi there,

I have a question on OpenSSL ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) code. I saw that Sun systems has donated the the ECCcode to OpenSSL. Also I saw that Certicom has held 130 patents in ECC area and finally NSA has licensed that code. Suppose if I download the code from the OpenSSL and try to develop a product using the OpenSSL ECC code, does it violate any patent issue with certicom?
Can anybody share any experience or information about this?

Thanks for support.


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