> 26.02.08, 23:23, [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > Hello,
> > > I have to connect to my OpenSSL server through proxy server.
> How can I
> > establish this connection?
> > Establish tcp connection through proxy (connect, socks5, transparent,
> > reverse or any other)
> > and next run SSL on this tcp connection.
> > Best regards,
> > --
> > Marek Marcola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks for the answer. I'm a newbie in TCP/SSL programming. Would
> you suggest any library or function names to use "connect" or
> "transparent". May be it is supported by OpenSSL?.. or another
> C/C++ library.

Could you give us some kind of idea what it is you are trying to do so that
we can give you more precise instructions? Is the proxy being used by the
server or the client? What kind of proxy? Do you have a proxy or need a
proxy? If you have a proxy, what kind of proxy? If you need a proxy, why?

You are straining everyone's ESP here.


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