The only thing I would state is that setuid programs, on most UNIXes,
ignore the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

I would also note that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is NOT universal.  On OSX,
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is the equivalent, but there's also other
environment variables which can do the same thing.

And this doesn't even begin to mention LD_PRELOAD.

What's your threat model?  What's your need?

-Kyle H

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 3:28 PM, David Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Thanks for your response. Shipping my own version of openssl is ruled
>  > out. So I have to trust the system installed one. Think at least on some
>  > Unix systems, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is searched first.
>  Right, this is beause:
>  1) A library cannot do any harm the user could not do directly. So there's
>  no point in preventing him from replacing system libraries.
>  2) The user may need to replace a system library for a given application for
>  various reasons, including if the system library has a bug that other
>  programs rely on.
>  > I worry Trojan horses
>  > hidden there. I am advised to zeroing-out this env variable before
>  > loading openssl.
>  I would not advise this. At least as likely as a trojan is that the
>  system-installed one has a problem and the user has installed a fixed
>  OpenSSL build. The trojan can just as easily intercept your programs file
>  operations to redirect the attempt to link to the system-installed OpenSSL
>  to be to a user-provided one.
>  > What else I can do?
>  Consider very carefully whether protecting the user from himself is worth
>  preventing him from protecting himself.
>  It's very hard to give you advice without having any understanding of what
>  your threat model is. For example, if your program is designed to protect
>  banking transactions, that's a very different threat model from if your
>  program is designed to protect its own licensing.
>  DS
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