> You have lots of good points. Thank you again.

You're welcome.

> I work for AOL, developing cross platform SDK for instant messaging that
> supports plugins. Plugins can be malicious. And AOL is responsible for
> protecting users' identity and privacy. Considering our user base, a
> trojan is more likely to target our users than to protect them.

So you need a "security" scheme for plugins that covers more than just
OpenSSL. Any mechanism that could subvert OpenSSL could subvert other

> What do the majority applications do on Unix if static linking with
> openssl isn't suitable?
> Thanks.
> Yvonne

You have a very tricky problem. In general, an attacker needs to do three

1) Get malicious code to run on your machine.

2) Get access to sensitive information in his malicious code.

3) Pass that information to himself from the malicious code.

You can attack any of these three points. It sounds like plugins to an
instant messaging platform make attacking 2 or 3 impossible, so you're back
to 1.

Couldn't anyone could do 1 also put his code in front of your SDK? (or trace
your SDK as it talks to client applications). It seems like if you have to
attack 1, you have to do it at the system level. (Or you have to come up
with a way for applications to validate their own context and then validate
the SDK before they start talking to it.)


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