Silviu Vlascaenu wrote:

> I am developing an application which also has some CA functions.
> The application knows the public key, KpC, of a client which has
> a priori proven to this app the possession of KpC through an
> out-of-band mean. Therefore, when the application "calls" the CA
> functionality to generate the client's certificate, it should not
> need to provide the Proof-of-Possession of KpC by the client.

> My question is which are the steps to be taken by the application,
> in order to have a certificate generated for KpC, without providing 
> any PoP to the CA?

> Any comments are welcome. Thank you in advance for your answer!

I would suggest simply doing it the usual way by having the client generate a 
CSR, send it to the server, and have the server return the certificate. There 
are several reasons I suggest this. First off, it will actually be easier, 
since you can use the same code everybody else uses.

Most importantly though, the CSR does more than just prove the client holds the 
private key. It also proves the client is requesting the common name in the 
certificate. If you don't do it the same way everyone else does, you run the 
risk that you will create new and unusual vulnerabilities. The resources to 
make sure what you are doing is safe would completely outweigh any benefits 
from your method being simpler.

In any event, it's impossible to give you any kind of recommendation without 
understanding why you don't want to do it the usual way. We do things the usual 
way because it's best. If you have some reason another way would be better, 
that reason will likely suggest the way that might be better.

You could generate a certificate without a CSR. Simply fill in all the fields 
and sign it. However, nobody knows what vulnerabilities you might create in 
that case, so it would be a very bad idea. (Unless you have sufficient in-house 
crypto staff to evaluate it, in which case why are you asking us rather than 


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