Wes Hardaker wrote:
Hi Wes,

I have some comments regarding your wiki article. But first of all thanks for taking the time writing down all this information:

I'm trying to implement IPFIX on top of DTLS so I also made some experiences with DTLS and OpenSSL.

I do not use a memory BIO for sending data. I create a datagram BIO instead and let OpenSSL write to this datagram BIO directly. When it comes to receiving data from the UDP socket I create a new memory BIO for *each* packet I received via recvfrom() and pass that memory BIO to OpenSSL. Here's some code:

len = read(socket,recvbuf,sizeof(recvbuf));
/* Free existing BIO */
/* TODO: Check whether EOF reached. */
/* Create new BIO */
ssl->rbio = BIO_new_mem_buf(recvbuf,len);

I've got a question regarding your solution for sending data: How do ensure that the message boundaries are preserved? What you are doing is basically:

1. Call some SSL_* function like SSL_write, SSL_connect or SSL_accept.
2. Perform a BIO_read on the for_writing BIO
3. Use sendto to send data just read in step 2.

What happens if the SSL_* function wants to send more than one UDP datagram at once? I *guess* this could happen if someone wants to send a very large certificate (chain). To me it seems like that you're assuming that OpenSSL sends only a single packet during one invocation of SSL_*, aren't you? If OpenSSL happens to send two packets you're going to concatenate the payload and send out one large datagram instead of two smaller ones.

As regards DTLS Cookie handling I suggest to ignore the information hiding/data abstraction principle for now and to access OpenSSL's internal variables in order to find out in which state the OpenSSL state machine is right now. I guess that there's some way to find out whether OpenSSL sent out a HelloVerifyRequest or a ServerHello. If it just sent a HelloVerifyRequest we could just destroy the SSL object and wait for the client to send back the Cookie.

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