Ahahahahhahhahahahahaha.  This is hilarious.  Completely retarded, but
hilarious. Thanks for adding humor to my day!

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Miguel Ghobangieno <mikee...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I'd like to do some crypto homework. It entails rebuilding the openssl
> library on windows 8 (C###). I'd like you to deatail the _EXACT_ procedure
> for rebuilding/recoding/synergising the openssl library in windows 8's C###.
> You have to do this because I told you to, requested it of you, demanded it
> of you.
> Accusations such as "think of the code" or "learn openssl by reading the
> code" etc will be forwarded to the Equal Empolyment Oppourtunity Commission.
> Furthermore I am aware that you opensource coders are all a buch of
> mysoginist sexists; for the most part you are all _men_. The EEOC is going
> to hear of THAT aswell.
> Period.
> Slash.

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