Hi "Slash",

I'm usually silent on OpenSSL matters, as they don't much pertain to me.
However, you've succeeded in provoking a response from me. A few words
come comes to mind regarding the nature of your post- 
Antagonist, Troll, Snarky, and Sonofabitch just to name a few.

Where do you get,  off  touting  this  bullshit,  "I R going to cry to
the mommy, huhuhu! I R SMART!" attutude of yours? You (for whatever
reason) seem to be under the delusion that opensource is a means of 
employment. *middle finger.* 

"Accusations that 'think of the code'" ... "learn openssl by reading the
code" ? Wow,  the "almighty Slash" can speak in bold and declarative
statements- bravo.  You get a gold star.  However, so can I. And for 
what it's worth, this grandstanding of yours doesn't have very much

Misogynist?  Sexists?   *middle finger* Okay,  so our field is
predominantly occupied by bunch of men,  what's that have to do with
anything?  We're not living the 1950s anymore ya know.  Nobody is going
be doing any homework unless it's their own.  My advice to you is to
return to whichever bridge you crawled out from under,  and go back to
scaring little kids and being afraid of goats.

Yeah, I'm going to likely get flamed and removed from the newsgroup, but
oh well. 
It was worth it.


On Sat, 2009-05-02 at 07:19 -0700, Miguel Ghobangieno wrote:

> I'd like to do some crypto homework. It entails rebuilding the openssl
> library on windows 8 (C###). I'd like you to deatail the _EXACT_
> procedure for rebuilding/recoding/synergising the openssl library in
> windows 8's C###. You have to do this because I told you to, requested
> it of you, demanded it of you. 
> Accusations such as "think of the code" or "learn openssl by reading
> the code" etc will be forwarded to the Equal Empolyment Oppourtunity
> Commission.
> Furthermore I am aware that you opensource coders are all a buch of
> mysoginist sexists; for the most part you are all _men_. The EEOC is
> going to hear of THAT aswell.
> Period.
> Slash.

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