Hi Ger
Thanks a lot for the invaluable information, I opened my mind I had to
read a lot in order to get what you were suggesting, but worthwhile!!
I tried a lot by setting different CFLAGS, got in the code, tried to
find some error, in the make file but with no help, everything was
pointing to the same ANSI problem 
Then finally we re-installed compiler and it worked like a magic, looks
like there was a problem with compiler installation.
Now I ran into another problem
-          I ran make command(openssl) successfully 
-          Executed Configure for mod_ssl --- ./configure
--with-apache... --with-ssl=../openssl-...
-          Make certificate(DSA)
-          Configured apache with following options
--enable-rule=SHARED_CORE --enable-module=so --enable-module=ssl
--enable-shared=ssl --with-ssl....
-          Then changed the port number in httpd.conf file to 8300
-          Executed ./apachectl start
-          Executed ./apachectl startssl
But when i connect to http://serverip:8300 <http://serverip:8300/>  I am
able to see "The SSL/TLS-aware Apache webserver was successfully
installed on this website"
How do I get HTTPS in the address is there any other port I need to
access or is there something more I need to do??
Neerav Singh.
-----Original Message-----
From: ger.hobb...@gmail.com [mailto:ger.hobb...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
Ger Hobbelt
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 5:54 PM
To: openssl-users@openssl.org
Cc: Neerav Singh
Subject: Re: error while executing make command
On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Neerav Singh
<neerav.si...@tatatel.co.in> wrote:
> Hey Guys
> Somebody help please
> Who can I turn off ANSI mode?
this issue is veering off OpenSSL and into the system internals arena.
With this kind of thing (access rights for dev tools like 'ar', etc.
and the following #error) it sounds a whole lot like sufficient
knowledge about the platform you are working on is lacking locally.
You'll need to find such help locally when you want to keep
turn-around time down to a manageable level.
Regarding the last #error report: the generic approach here (I don't
know your system and I don't have to, because this is the common
search&solve path for that sort of thing anywhere; at least it's been
my successful way for years) is to look at that header file where the
#error line was reported and look for the conditional compilation
structure in there. (A bit of 'cat' piped through 'more' or 'less' and
maybe a bit of 'grep' and 'find' in sys include dirs) My hunch is
there's probably some 'POSIX"- or "STRICT"-something #ifdef
conditional compilation code in there which causes the #error line to
Once you've found which preprocessor conditions trigger this issue,
the next bit of your job is to search your systems (development)
documentation to check whether those symbols are documented (and what
purpose they have) and how the system guys advise/want you to turn
this thing on or off (and the consequences of such actions!! ).
Manpages are a start; googling a few system-related newsgroups might
give a hint or two as well and otherwise it's down to the nitty gritty
of printed manuals and/or -D defining the guestimated relevant
preprocessor symbols to shut up your compiler (and linker!). (some
'-D' command options added to your CFLAGS environment variable, for
The whole thing is very system dependent so resolving this quickly
means you are best served with a knowledgable person sitting right
smack in front of that machine, i.e. one who's played this sort of
game a few times before.
The previous 'access denied' problem is a sure sign your best bet is
to get your local sysadmin on the line as well to make sure he/they
and you/your team have the development environment set up properly.
This is not an OpenSSL specific thing; when not diagnosed and fixed
*properly* _all_ your development work is going go be screwed.
(And probably going overboard on dogmatic detail here, but what the
hey anyway: 'access denied' failures on basic dev tools such as 'ar'
are not something any 'config' script can or should 'fix' (paranoid
config scripts, which are extremely rare, may detect and abort) as
this is a sure sign the machine doesn't have a correctly set up
development environment OR you are running development tasks while
logged in as the wrong user (which is saying the same thing, but from
the other perspective). All that is a system setup thing, not a
package setup/build/use item.
The hard part in this is that everyone 'just assumes' everybody else
knows this and has their kit set up right. One of the unmentionable
trade secrets of software developers, I guess.)
Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,
Ger Hobbelt
web:    http://www.hobbelt.com/
mail:   g...@hobbelt.com
mobile: +31-6-11 120 978

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