On Mon, 2009-06-15 at 21:32 -0700, patfla wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I'm using (and have used from some time) a windows build of OpenSSL from
> here:
> http://www.slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html

Yup.  I don't know why anybody would take that risk when building from
trusted source is so easy.  But then, I don't know why anyone would use
Windows either, so there you go.  :-)

> The ultimate object is to wrap some minimal subset of SSL (and thus OpenSSL
> since it's the major open source version) in Eiffel.  The nice - but obscure
> - OO language that we use in house (where I work).  We're not a software
> firm and we only write our software to support in-house business functions.
> Eiffel is obscure and thus for every, say, nice open source package out
> there we have to wrap it ourselves - and by hand as it were.  E.g. (newer
> packages): Twisted, Spring Framework, etc.
> A colleague started me on this task.  He first pointed me to
> https://launchpad.net/pyopenssl .  This provides a python interface for SSL
> (and uses OpenSSL).  He thought this might be a good example of how to wrap
> OpenSSL.
> As turns out what the pyOpenSSL project consists of is rather a large amount
> of C code (that returns types such as pyObject) and compiles into 3 (I
> think?) .pyd files where are python DLLs.  You put this into your python
> installation etc.
> The C code under pyOpenSSL doesn't seem (to me) the most expeditious route
> to where I want to go.  I simply (or not so simply) want to wrap - again -
> some minimal subset of SSL in Eiffel.

A wrapper around a rock takes the shape of the rock regardless of what 
the wrapper is made of.  The Python wrapper shows what the Eiffel 
wrapper will need to do.  The best you can hope for is that the Python
code gives direct access to stuff you may not need.  Most of the crypto
API, if what you need is SSL, for example.

> So I then set off in search of a hopefully small amount of C code that could
> provide me with a better sense of the SSL api.

Exactly.  That's why I suggested the OpenSSL source distribution.  
S_client.c and s_server.c in the apps subdirectory are the canonical
SSL example programs.  And if what you're really after is the crypto
algorithms, command-line drivers for most of them are in apps, as well.

> I'm not totally clueless here since I've written a number of TCP/IP socket
> based apps.  And, very long ago, a portion of a TCP/IP stack for the
> Macintosh.
> Oh - and so I haven't built OpenSSL from scratch.  I seek to use OpenSSL -
> if I need to dig into it, I'll do so when that time comes.

Fair enough.  I suggested that you look in the apps and demos 
subdirectories, not crypto or ssl.  The latter two define the major
API's while the first two simply use them.

> I did look in my (windows) installation of OpenSSL but didn't (to the extent
> that I looked) find example code.  Maybe I need to go back to the original
> tarball and look there.

> But given that I've been at this maybe 2 wks part-time, it's not like I've
> yet had a chance to try every combination that might have occurred to me.  I
> don't mind stumbling around in the dark at some initial stage.  I've done it
> many times before - and productively.

My best times stumbling in the dark have been when I bumped into some 
fellow stumbler and he handed me a flashlight.  :-)

Good luck with your project!


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