>       From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of sandeep kiran p
>       Sent: Wednesday, 21 October, 2009 23:06
(fairly OT: MS Visual Studio)
>       Thanks Dave. I figured out how to do this. I first built a static
> of libeay32 and ssleay32 using ms\nt.mak (added /Zi and removed /Wx in
> I then created an empty VS2005 project and added apps\req.c apps\apps.c 
> apps\app_rand.c to the project (I had to look into req utility, similar
would be 
> the procedure for other tools). I then linked libeay and ssleay to the
> Now everything built fine. But as you said, I am able to
> but cannot do a go-to-defn of any OpenSSL API from my project. When I say
> it always points to the prototype declaration in a .h file. 

Go-to-def (mostly) doesn't use the debug symbols, it uses the separate 
but similar "browse info" which normally VS/VC++ arranges to be created. 
Each foo.C/CPP file gets a foo.SBR along with its foo.OBJ, and those get 
combined into a project.BSC, which I'm pretty sure is what gets used.
I experimented with this some in the past and I *think* it is possible to 
make it work for a manual build, but it was never worth the trouble to me.
If you want to pursue this, look for "browse". Good luck.

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