On Tue, Dec 29, 2009, michaelfmichaelf wrote:

> Hi!
> I try to use OpenSSL 0_9_8l version for creation of certificate with
> SubjectAlternativeName. 
> I have couple of problems and may be you will be able to help me.
> 1) I did not success to create certificate with more than one alternative
> identifier. 
> I used the command:
> openssl x509 -req -days 365 -passin pass:pwd -in cert.csr -extfile ext.txt
> -signkey certkey.pem -out certcert.pem
> In the ext.txt file I have used the example described here: 
> http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/x509v3_config.html#Subject_Alternative_Name_
> The problem that after the creation of the certificate it contains only one
> alternative identifier ??? the last identifier listed in the file.
> For example, if the last line is the following:
> subjectAltName=IP:13::17 
> the certificate contains only this identifier: 
> X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: 
> IP Address:13:0:0:0:0:0:0:17
> If the last line is the following:
> subjectAltName=dirName:dir_sect
> the certificate contains only this identifier: 
>  X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
>  DirName:/C=UK/O=My Organization/OU=My Unit/CN=My Name
> How can I create the certificate with more than one alternative identifier?
> Should I change any configuration in openssl.cnf?

You can't include more than one subjectAlternativeNAme extension because that
would violate the standard. You can include multiple alternate names in a
single extension however. You either use a comma separates list of types as
the examples show or the @section version. See:


for details.

> 2) Where can I find the example for otherName in ASN1 format?
> Unfortunately, the example shown in the link above does not contain the ASN1
> format:
> subjectAltName=otherName:;UTF8:some other identifier
> In addition, the provided link
> http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/ASN1_generate_nconf.html# does not
> contain ASN1 example that can be used for the creation of otherName
> Alternative identifier.
> Can you provide the example of the external file that will allow the
> creation of  otherName Alternative identifier in ASN1 format?

All of the examples in:


can be used in the otherName format. You just append the initial line after
the semicolon. For example:

subjectAltName=otherName:;IA5STRING:Hello World

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