On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:31 PM,  <skillz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a DER-encoded PKCS#7 file that I'd like to extract the
> certificate from, verify that certificate against a specific sub-CA
> certificate, then use the certificate's public key to verify a
> signature.
> I looked at the code for the pkcs7 tool and it looks directly inside
> the PKCS7 object to check the type and extract the X509 certificates.
> Is that the best way to do it? Is there a way that doesn't require
> relying on the internal structure of the PKCS7 object?
> When I try to verify the certificate, it fails with "unable to get
> local issuer certificate". However, I've added my sub-CA certificate
> to the X509_STORE object and if I look inside the certificate I'm
> verifying, its X509v3 Authority Key Identifier matches the sub-CA's
> X509v3 Subject Key Identifier. I've verified using another tool
> (Keychain on a Mac, which may use OpenSSL underneath) that the
> certificate chain is valid. I'm able to use OpenSSL programmatically
> verify that the sub-CA certificate is valid against the root, but not
> the leaf certificate against the sub-CA certificate. Is there
> something I'm missing?

I figured out that if I use 'openssl verify -CAfile root.pem
-untrusted subCA.pem cert.pem' then it works and returns OK. So it
seems that even if I specify the sub-CA certificate as the -CAfile, it
needs the full chain.

Is there a way (via the API rather than the tool) to tell OpenSSL that
the sub-CA certificate is trusted and it doesn't need to walk further
up the chain? For my case, I embed the sub-CA certificate in my code
and I'm space constrained so I'd prefer to not include the entire
certificate chain.
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