Hello Steve, and thanks for the reply,

How can I find out what on my system (and Ive created two different machines 
with same problem) is making this behaviour? can you give me some help or clue?

Im following all the howtos and docs in the Net on how to setup 
apache+mod_ssl+mod_authz_ldap+openldap and this issue is driving me nuts.
If the problem is not on openssl then I think theres only two other places it 
could be: Apache, or the original certificate?
Am I thinking right?...

Can you help me on the following test please? download from
any of the "server side" certificates from this CA

and see their contents

As I think they are in DER format so I use
openssl x509 -inform DER -in xxxxxx.cer -noout -text

what I get is:

        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number:
        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: CN=Cart\xC3\xA3o de Cidad\xC3\xA3o 001, OU=ECEstado, O=SCEE - 
Sistema de Certifica\xC3\xA7\xC3\xA3o Electr\xC3\xB3nica do Estado, C=PT
            Not Before: Jan 29 21:32:58 2007 GMT
            Not After : Mar 30 21:42:58 2013 GMT
        Subject: CN=EC de Autentica\xC3\xA7\xC3\xA3o do Cart\xC3\xA3o de 
Cidad\xC3\xA3o 0001, OU=subECEstado, O=Cart\xC3\xA3o de Cidad\xC3\xA3o, C=PT
        Subject Public Key Info:

etc, etc 

So, this is invalid information on the certificate itself?? Can you kindly make 
the same test and see what you get?


> Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:30:07 +0200
> From: st...@openssl.org
> To: openssl-users@openssl.org
> Subject: Re: bad characters encoded on ssl logs coming from x509 cert
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2010, Luis Neves wrote:
> > Hi to all,
> > 
> > I have this data on  ssl_error_log, coming from a client certificate
> > 
> > [Fri Apr 23 14:13:26 2010] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1219):
> > Certificate Verification: depth: 2, subject: /CN=Cart\\xC3\\xA3o de
> > Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o 001/OU=ECEstado/O=SC
> > EE - Sistema de Certifica\\xC3\\xA7\\xC3\\xA3o Electr\\xC3\\xB3nica do
> > Estado/C=PT, issuer: /C=PT/O=SCEE/CN=ECRaizEstado
> > [Fri Apr 23 14:13:26 2010] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1219):
> > Certificate Verification: depth: 1, subject: /C=PT/O=Cart\\xC3\\xA3o
> > de Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o/OU=subECEstado/CN=EC de
> > Autentica\\xC3\\xA7\\xC3\\xA3o do Cart\\xC3\\xA3o de Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o
> > 0003, issuer: /CN=Cart\\xC3\\xA3o de Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o
> > 001/OU=ECEstado/O=SCEE - Sistema de Certifica\\xC3\\xA7\\xC3\\xA3o
> > Electr\\xC3\\xB3nica do Estado/C=PT
> > [Fri Apr 23 14:13:26 2010] [debug] ssl_engine_kernel.c(1219):
> > Certificate Verification: depth: 0, subject: /C=PT/O=Cart\\xC3\\xA3o
> > de Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o/OU=Autentica\\xC3\\xA7\\xC3\\xA3o do
> > Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o/OU=Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o Portugu\\xC3\\xAAs/SN=FIGUEIREDO
> > MIGUEL/serialNumber=BI098289861/CN=LU\\xC3\\x8DS MIGUEL FIGUEIREDO
> > CORREIA DAS NEVES, issuer: /C=PT/O=Cart\\xC3\\xA3o de
> > Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o/OU=subECEstado/CN=EC de
> > Autentica\\xC3\\xA7\\xC3\\xA3o do Cart\\xC3\\xA3o de Cidad\\xC3\\xA3o
> > 0003
> > 
> > this is the data that is coming from the client?
> > 
> > the '\x' characters are making mod_authz_ldap failing querying the
> > ldap server and returning "Bad search filter" instead
> > 
> > why this \'x' is appearing here, and how do I am suposed to control it?
> > 
> > The original text on the the certificate is:
> > O=Cartão de Cidadão
> > CN=EC de Autenticação do Cartão de Cidadão
> > 
> > PS: Im using Apache 2.2.3 on a Centos 5.4, against openldap
> > 
> The \x characters are caused by something escaping the UTF8 format characters
> in the certificate. This isn't an OpenSSL issue as such but might be down to
> the application using the long deprecated X509_NAME_oneline() function instead
> of X509_NAME_print_ex().
> Steve.
> --
> Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
> Commercial tech support now available see: http://www.openssl.org
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