Sorry, I think I should make clear that I'm using two different setups... one for the CA and another for the end user certificate.

For example, my CA is in /etc/pki_MessageNet/CA while my end-user is in /etc/pki_MessageNet/tls --- so when I generate my CA keys, it has its own config file / scope... and when I generate my end user CSR, it has its own config file / scope. I am, however, granting my CSR from within the scope of my CA and its configuration. In other words, I'm replicating a "real world" type situation -- or that is the hope!

Chris Rider wrote:
I think we're on to something here... thank you for your time and attention, btw!

I still can't see anything about the AIA thing, but I took another go at the basicConstraints and keyUsage, and seem to have slightly better results. I changed basicConstraints to True (it was FALSE by default), so that makes sense. I also just tacked on certSign to the end of the keyUsage string. Now, when I generate the keys and install the CA's certificate on the client, even IE will automatically detect/install as a trusted root... which it wasn't before. So I think we're onto something with my CA.

But now, when I go to sign the server certificate using my CA, I am getting the following errors: (using the exact same process -- scripted -- as before, so the only thing changed is the CA config file / CA keys)
Error Loading extension section usr_cert
14488:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:122:fopen('/etc/pki_MessageNet/CA/index.txt.attr','rb') 14488:error:2006D080:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:no such file:bss_file.c:125: 14488:error:0E078072:configuration file routines:DEF_LOAD:no such file:conf_def.c:197: 14488:error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no value:conf_lib.c:329:group=CA_default name=email_in_dn 14488:error:2206E068:X509 V3 routines:X509V3_get_value_bool:invalid boolean string:v3_utl.c:229:section:,name:CA,value:True 14488:error:22098080:X509 V3 routines:X509V3_EXT_nconf:error in extension:v3_conf.c:93:name=basicConstraints, value=CA:True

What is the best way to include my file contents for you? (worried about posting something a mile long)

Patrick Patterson wrote:
Hi Chris:
On 2010-09-22, at 4:13 PM, Chris Rider wrote:

For now, I've just copied the CA's public .crt file to a public_html type directory and downloading on the client ~ from there, depending on whether I use FireFox or IE, I go into the respective certificates manager and import the one I downloaded. I've been very deliberate in making sure it actually gets installed under the root/trusted category, and not some other category.

I haven't investigated the AIA field... (didn't even know about it)

Would that be specified when creating the CA's keys? Is that best specified in my CA's cnf file somewhere?

Yes - it would.
Barring all else, it seems to me like the browser is hanging up on the fact that the CA's certificate is self-signed. (??)

Things that would make the browser hang include:

CA cert not including basicConstraints: CA=True, or keyUsage not including certSign.
User Certs that DO include either of those values.

Also, what could be happening is a mismatch between AKI and SKI values in the CA and Server certs.

That's why I requested you to send along a copy of the certs that you are using - the values need to be set correctly, just having one key signed by the other, which happens to be self signed, is not enough. Unless you have extensively edited your openssl.cnf file, you are probably not generating correct CA or end entity certs.

Have fun.



Hugo Garza wrote:
Hi Chris, how are you installing the root CA on the client machines?

In windows once you double click the root certificate you get a message dialog box and click the install certificate button. On the following screen press next and on the next screen tell it to install the certificate to the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities, hit next then finish. You should get a Windows dialog warning saying that you are adding a root certificate, and you just say yes.

Now the other possible problem is that on the server certificate that you created you aren't including the Authority Information Access (AIA) field. This is crucial so that your customers only have to install the root CA and implicitly trust any certificates signed by the root.

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Chris Rider < <>> wrote:

   We have a client/server architecture based product that needs to
   allow SSL communication between our server (CentOS) and various
   clients' web browsers (and additionally, other devices, but that's
   beyond the scope of this post).

   We've been able to get SSL working in both of two different ways
   (self-signed certificate & self-signed CA with certificates signed
   by that) -- so that is not the issue. Rather, our whole issue is
   that we don't want the end-users to confronted with a big scary
   browser message that says something akin to "There's a Problem
   With Security! / Allow Exception, etc." If they must install a
   certificate or two, that would be acceptable, though. So I thought
   that creating my own CA to sign certificates with would be a
   solution.... apparently not. I'm now getting browser messages that
   say the certificate's issuer is not trusted!!! Very frustrating.

   So, as I said, I've created my own CA (using this link as a guide: ), and can sign
   my own certificates without problem. I then install the root
   certificate, followed by a server certificate signed by that CA.
   And, while I can click "allow exception" in the browser to make it
   all work, that is not the desired way. We just want to be able to
   have the end-user install a trusted root certificate and
   everything just work from there. Testing in IE and FireFox nets
   the same big scary warning message, no matter what combination of
   fields I use in the CSR, etc.

   We really don't want to go with a third party CA like VeriSign,
   for example -- not so much because of the cost, but we just don't
   want to deal with updating countless remote installations of our
   product whenever the certificate expires. Not to mention the
   support that would be associated with doing that! The other issue
   is that some/most of these installations do not have outside
   internet connectivity with which to query the CA's (for CRL's, or
   whatever). We really need to manage our own certificates, all in
   all.... but without these warning messages.

   Is it possible?
   If so, what am I missing?

   --     Chris Rider,
   Systems Architect
   MessageNet Systems
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