Hello Yessica,

please post new certificate and exact error you're getting.

Kind Regards / S pozdravom

Jaroslav Imrich

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Yessica De Ascencao

> hello!!!
> Thanks for the response!
> Yes I needed the extension to Time Stamping, however when I load the
> sample certificate in the OpenTSA page, continues to show me the same
> error. I created a certificate with the correct extension and likewise
> gives me error.
> I really do not know what may be happening.
> Thank you very much!
> 2011/2/18 Jaroslav Imrich <jaroslav.imr...@gmail.com>
>> Hello Yessica,
>> this line in your logs tells you where the error occured:
>> [Thu Feb 17 19:23:09 2011] [error]
>> mod_tsa:1510:error:2F083075:lib(47):func(131):reason(117):ts_rsp_sign.c:206:
>> When you look into source code of openssl ts module -
>> http://cvs.openssl.org/fileview?f=openssl/crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.c&v= 
>> you can see that line 206 contains following code:
>>         if (X509_check_purpose(signer, X509_PURPOSE_TIMESTAMP_SIGN, 0) !=
>> 1)
>>                 {
>>                 TSerr(TS_F_TS_RESP_CTX_SET_SIGNER_CERT,
>>                 return 0;
>>                 }
>> That means loading of TSA certificate failed because of incorrect
>> extensions.
>> Certificate you posted has critical mark on "X509v3 Subject Alternative
>> Name" which is completely wrong in this case. It is "Time Stamping" that has
>> to be marked as critical.
>> --
>> Kind Regards / S pozdravom
>> Jaroslav Imrich
>> http://www.jariq.sk
> --
> Saludos!
> Yessica De Ascencao
> 0426-7142582

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