Hello Yessica,

you are almost there :)

Try only "Non Repudiation" as key usage:

            X509v3 Key Usage:
                Non Repudiation
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: critical
                Time Stamping

Kind Regards / S pozdravom

Jaroslav Imrich

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Yessica De Ascencao

> Hi Mounir IDRASSI!
> I generated the certificate with ONLY Digital Signature, Non Repudiation
> but I still have the same problem.
> Thanks!
> Certificate:
>     Data:
>         Version: 3 (0x2)
>         Serial Number:
>             d8:e6:a3:f6:22:c7:a4:0c
>         Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
>         Issuer: C=ve, ST=distrito capital, O=suscerte, OU=acraiz,
> CN=ac/emailAddress=a...@suscerte.gob.ve
>         Validity
>             Not Before: Feb 22 14:08:20 2011 GMT
>             Not After : Feb 22 14:08:20 2012 GMT
>         Subject: C=ve, ST=distritocapital, L=caracas, O=tss, OU=suscerte,
> CN=tsscompany/emailAddress=t...@company.com
>         Subject Public Key Info:
>             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
>             RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
>                 Modulus (2048 bit):
>                     00:bd:6e:12:e5:72:37:f2:74:e4:95:f7:43:f2:c7:
>                     00:7d:53:cb:2d:a9:49:68:4d:04:b7:40:8d:b7:cd:
>                     56:23:89:8a:e1:78:d6:a8:bd:a3:ef:16:62:d6:37:
>                     6d:25:ce:eb:9d:30:8a:5e:be:6a:68:6f:bf:cd:f7:
>                     6b:cd:85:f8:c6:62:f3:ea:8e:32:79:2a:d2:38:40:
>                     b9:d7:88:c9:18:5c:63:98:69:ea:b6:95:83:a2:ac:
>                     1b:b4:17:9a:e7:ea:66:bc:c3:e6:c8:e6:47:94:9b:
>                     36:3c:3b:e0:59:9e:85:90:a6:8f:ad:8a:0a:0b:9e:
>                     51:de:ef:93:73:e5:6b:a9:f2:49:ec:c0:46:57:71:
>                     27:fd:85:47:09:f7:90:f7:bb:c5:3a:83:0a:3c:cc:
>                     f2:88:2f:69:5c:80:e2:7f:9e:28:d3:19:09:62:fb:
>                     2b:61:a4:f8:4c:64:d6:72:cb:41:a9:68:69:38:8b:
>                     3f:03:04:83:26:e0:9a:ce:be:1f:05:f0:6d:99:2c:
>                     87:16:97:e2:7f:8b:2f:b1:eb:19:2f:10:45:00:2c:
>                     8e:dd:f5:80:de:cf:c7:17:a0:cc:cf:0d:f3:48:19:
>                     7f:5b:b0:dd:51:a8:80:e0:65:eb:79:ef:ea:fc:d8:
>                     6d:a5:2d:e3:06:b0:83:83:14:7f:61:f9:dc:ea:a7:
>                     7a:4b
>                 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>         X509v3 extensions:
>             X509v3 Basic Constraints:
>                 CA:FALSE
>             X509v3 Key Usage:
>                 Digital Signature, Non Repudiation
>             Netscape Comment:
>                 OpenSSL Generated Certificate
>             X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
>                 FA:0C:6E:6E:88:58:51:F4:DF:F1:E3:CC:DD:9D:71:8C:CD:95:68:17
>             X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
> keyid:76:B9:CB:3B:5D:C8:B6:AB:02:74:86:D3:1C:C7:42:58:B1:AE:7E:76
>             X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
>                 email:t...@company.com
>             X509v3 Extended Key Usage: critical
>                 Time Stamping
>     Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
>         3d:d4:76:9a:d7:2d:6a:93:62:d7:2c:29:87:cc:9c:72:97:19:
>         1a:2d:59:b8:fc:6c:86:22:ad:9c:ba:74:de:89:cb:55:c0:f8:
>         50:02:5d:7d:58:92:cb:0d:c9:9a:30:a9:2a:32:7e:2c:c6:a1:
>         19:eb:09:30:55:85:c8:30:d4:f1:51:9a:ca:77:58:8e:f8:a6:
>         b8:d9:92:63:10:fa:ad:06:79:aa:d9:5a:09:9c:5b:91:8b:7a:
>         04:66:f5:24:0b:25:25:69:a5:66:30:c1:4a:b8:cf:c7:51:e1:
>         5a:a0:a6:51:cf:b0:26:05:8d:c4:66:cd:3b:c6:08:a5:de:57:
>         81:af
> 2011/2/22 Mounir IDRASSI <mounir.idra...@idrix.net>
> Hi,
>> I don't agree : from the error description
>> (lib(47):func(131):reason(117):ts_rsp_sign.c:206) it is clear that OpenSSL
>> loaded the certificate but the X509_check_purpose(signer,
>> X509_PURPOSE_TIMESTAMP_SIGN, 0) call in ts_rsp_sign failed.
>> Actaully, reading the certificate dump shows that the problem is coming
>> from the certificate Key Usage : it MUST NOT contain Key Encipherment.
>> So, to resolve your problem, set the Key Usage to ONLY Digital Signature,
>> Non Repudiation.
>> I hope this will help.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Mounir IDRASSI
>> http://www.idrix.fr
>> On 2/22/2011 2:40 PM, Patrick Patterson wrote:
>>> Hi Yessica:
>>> That error is fairly straightforward - it's can't load the cert (meaning,
>>> it can't even load the file).
>>> Have you made sure that the permissions are correct? Are you absolutely
>>> sure that you have the right cert in the right location?
>>> Have fun.
>>> Patrick.
>>> On 2011-02-22, at 8:37 AM, Yessica De Ascencao wrote:
>>>  Hi!
>>>> This is the new certificate:
>>>> Certificate:
>>>>     Data:
>>>>         Version: 3 (0x2)
>>>>         Serial Number:
>>>>             d8:e6:a3:f6:22:c7:a4:0b
>>>>         Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
>>>>         Issuer: C=ve, ST=distrito capital, O=suscerte, OU=acraiz,
>>>> CN=ac/emailAddress=a...@suscerte.gob.ve
>>>>         Validity
>>>>             Not Before: Feb 21 20:15:08 2011 GMT
>>>>             Not After : Feb 21 20:15:08 2012 GMT
>>>>         Subject: C=ve, ST=distritocapital, L=caracas, O=tss,
>>>> OU=suscerte, CN=tsscompany/emailAddress=t...@company.com
>>>>         Subject Public Key Info:
>>>>             Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
>>>>             RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)
>>>>                 Modulus (2048 bit):
>>>>                     00:bd:6e:12:e5:72:37:f2:74:e4:95:f7:43:f2:c7:
>>>>                     00:7d:53:cb:2d:a9:49:68:4d:04:b7:40:8d:b7:cd:
>>>>                     56:23:89:8a:e1:78:d6:a8:bd:a3:ef:16:62:d6:37:
>>>>                     6d:25:ce:eb:9d:30:8a:5e:be:6a:68:6f:bf:cd:f7:
>>>>                     6b:cd:85:f8:c6:62:f3:ea:8e:32:79:2a:d2:38:40:
>>>>                     b9:d7:88:c9:18:5c:63:98:69:ea:b6:95:83:a2:ac:
>>>>                     1b:b4:17:9a:e7:ea:66:bc:c3:e6:c8:e6:47:94:9b:
>>>>                     36:3c:3b:e0:59:9e:85:90:a6:8f:ad:8a:0a:0b:9e:
>>>>                     51:de:ef:93:73:e5:6b:a9:f2:49:ec:c0:46:57:71:
>>>>                     27:fd:85:47:09:f7:90:f7:bb:c5:3a:83:0a:3c:cc:
>>>>                     f2:88:2f:69:5c:80:e2:7f:9e:28:d3:19:09:62:fb:
>>>>                     2b:61:a4:f8:4c:64:d6:72:cb:41:a9:68:69:38:8b:
>>>>                     3f:03:04:83:26:e0:9a:ce:be:1f:05:f0:6d:99:2c:
>>>>                     87:16:97:e2:7f:8b:2f:b1:eb:19:2f:10:45:00:2c:
>>>>                     8e:dd:f5:80:de:cf:c7:17:a0:cc:cf:0d:f3:48:19:
>>>>                     7f:5b:b0:dd:51:a8:80:e0:65:eb:79:ef:ea:fc:d8:
>>>>                     6d:a5:2d:e3:06:b0:83:83:14:7f:61:f9:dc:ea:a7:
>>>>                     7a:4b
>>>>                 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>>>>         X509v3 extensions:
>>>>             X509v3 Basic Constraints:
>>>>                 CA:FALSE
>>>>             X509v3 Key Usage:
>>>>                 Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment
>>>>             Netscape Comment:
>>>>                 OpenSSL Generated Certificate
>>>>             X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
>>>> FA:0C:6E:6E:88:58:51:F4:DF:F1:E3:CC:DD:9D:71:8C:CD:95:68:17
>>>>             X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
>>>> keyid:76:B9:CB:3B:5D:C8:B6:AB:02:74:86:D3:1C:C7:42:58:B1:AE:7E:76
>>>>             X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
>>>>                 email:t...@company.com
>>>>             X509v3 Extended Key Usage: critical
>>>>                 Time Stamping
>>>>     Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption
>>>>         02:d1:fd:44:de:1e:9f:e0:29:66:35:8f:43:da:e6:b5:20:43:
>>>>         52:90:b0:dc:8a:0f:09:92:9e:c2:6b:dc:14:ab:2c:9f:1b:8e:
>>>>         02:76:9a:17:08:77:ca:26:06:13:25:9e:4a:e2:bf:bb:2b:4d:
>>>>         cf:67:41:c0:2b:3a:1a:d0:ae:a8:88:3c:13:e2:0d:f6:9c:1e:
>>>>         e7:ba:ef:22:c6:b8:18:3b:a8:5e:f9:0e:43:b8:de:82:b1:e0:
>>>>         be:00:d2:57:9c:f3:d9:48:72:28:70:5d:06:d7:73:84:bc:f7:
>>>>         5e:65:27:86:0d:e8:28:b4:dd:72:4d:8e:59:02:cc:39:0f:8d:
>>>>         47:87
>>>> And this is the error:
>>>> [Mon Feb 21 20:15:37 2011] [error] mod_tsa:could not load X.509
>>>> certificate: /usr/local/ssl/misc/demoCA/tss.pem
>>>> [Mon Feb 21 20:15:37 2011] [error]
>>>> mod_tsa:17262:error:2F083075:lib(47):func(131):reason(117):ts_rsp_sign.c:206:
>>>> [Mon Feb 21 20:15:37 2011] [emerg] exiting, fatal error during mod_tsa
>>>> initialisation.
>>>> Thanks!!!
>>>> 2011/2/21 Jaroslav Imrich<jaroslav.imr...@gmail.com>
>>>> Hello Yessica,
>>>> please post new certificate and exact error you're getting.
>>>> --
>>>> Kind Regards / S pozdravom
>>>> Jaroslav Imrich
>>>> http://www.jariq.sk
>>>> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Yessica De Ascencao<
>>>> yessima...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> hello!!!
>>>> Thanks for the response!
>>>> Yes I needed the extension to Time Stamping, however when I load the
>>>> sample certificate in the OpenTSA page, continues to show me the same 
>>>> error.
>>>> I created a certificate with the correct extension and likewise gives me
>>>> error.
>>>> I really do not know what may be happening.
>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>> 2011/2/18 Jaroslav Imrich<jaroslav.imr...@gmail.com>
>>>> Hello Yessica,
>>>> this line in your logs tells you where the error occured:
>>>> [Thu Feb 17 19:23:09 2011] [error]
>>>> mod_tsa:1510:error:2F083075:lib(47):func(131):reason(117):ts_rsp_sign.c:206:
>>>> When you look into source code of openssl ts module -
>>>> http://cvs.openssl.org/fileview?f=openssl/crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.c&v=
>>>>  you can see that line 206 contains following code:
>>>>         if (X509_check_purpose(signer, X509_PURPOSE_TIMESTAMP_SIGN, 0)
>>>> != 1)
>>>>                 {
>>>>                 TSerr(TS_F_TS_RESP_CTX_SET_SIGNER_CERT,
>>>>                       TS_R_INVALID_SIGNER_CERTIFICATE_PURPOSE);
>>>>                 return 0;
>>>>                 }
>>>> That means loading of TSA certificate failed because of incorrect
>>>> extensions.
>>>> Certificate you posted has critical mark on "X509v3 Subject Alternative
>>>> Name" which is completely wrong in this case. It is "Time Stamping" that 
>>>> has
>>>> to be marked as critical.
>>>> --
>>>> Kind Regards / S pozdravom
>>>> Jaroslav Imrich
>>>> http://www.jariq.sk
>>>> --
>>>> Saludos!
>>>> Yessica De Ascencao
>>>> 0426-7142582
>>>> --
>>>> Saludos!
>>>> Yessica De Ascencao
>>>> 0426-7142582
>>> ---
>>> Patrick Patterson
>>> Chief PKI Architect
>>> Carillon Information Security Inc.
>>> http://www.carillon.ca
>>> ______________________________________________________________________
>>> OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
>>> User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
>>> Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
>> User Support Mailing List                    openssl-users@openssl.org
>> Automated List Manager                           majord...@openssl.org
> --
> Saludos!
> Yessica De Ascencao
> 0426-7142582

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