 >I'm in the process of learning the API myself.  I had concerns about the 
 >book "Network Programming with OpenSSL".
 >Having consulted someone with experience in this matter it appears that 
 >the API itself has changed very little and the
 >book is still relevant.  The cryptographic functions within the library 
 >are kept current but they are still accessed through
 >the same API.
 >Is this a fair statement?
 >I am looking for specific information on using the library in a 
 >multi-threaded / asynchronous IO server (Windows - using IOCP).
 >I'd appreciate any information on the subject.  An example would be great.
 >Best regards,


 I'm too looking for multi-threaded example but for  synchronous IO server for 

Has anyone know are there example code?


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