On 5/23/2011 1:59 AM, Harshvir Sidhu wrote:
    So are you suggesting that i change the approach in my Code.

Hard for me to give you a useful answer without seeing your code. If your code tries to treat OpenSSL as a filter, expecting input and output to correlate, then yes. If your code handled OpenSSL as a black box with four separate I/O paths (encrypted data in, encryped data out, plaintext in, plaintext out) without assuming any relationship between them, then it's fine.

> My
application is for Windows and in Managed C++. In that i am using
Callback function for receive, when the callback function is called, and
when i call SSL_read in that, it hangs at recv call in the OpenSSL code,
my assumption is that data was already read from socket, when callback
was called. Another thing i would like to mention is I am using Sockets
Managed Class, not the native sockets.

When your callback function is called, that means encrypted data is available on the socket. The SSL_Read function is for reading unencrypted data from the SSL engine. It is only appropriate to call SSL_Read in response to a data available callback on the socket in one case -- if your last SSL operation was an SSL_Read and it returned a WANT_READ indication. In any other case, this is broken behavior reflecting erroneously trying to "look through" the SSL engine.

Your code must treat the SSL engine as a black box. Yes, we happen to know that *IN* *GENERAL* we're reading encrypted data from the socket, decrypting it, and then passing the plaintext to the application, your code should treat this as an OpenSSL internal detail and should not pretend it knows that this will happen.


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