
This is the setup I would like to have.

                  LDAP clients
 | __________LoadBalancer1_________  |

               |                              |
 ldap1.example.com           ldap2.example.com

 My challange is I never did this kind of architecture before,  My
question is  how to create the certificate i mean what to provide in
common name or how to create a certificate which can be shared across
the servers, am using "openssl" ? I am using SLES 11(SP1) and the
setup would be a Multi-Master replication.

I have tried modifying

#vi /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf

in the below section i have added the list of hosts

subjectAltName = "DNS:ldap1.example.com <http://server1.example.com/>, DNS:
ldap2.example.com <http://ldap-1.example.com/>, DNS:

but am getting the below error while trying the openssl debug commnd and in
my ldap log:

SSL routines:SSL2_WRITE:ssl handshake failure:s2_pkt.c:530
SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure:s23_clnt.c:580

I have also tried :

and keeping all the above entry in


[v3_req] = "DNS:ldap1.example.com <http://server1.example.com/>, DNS:
ldap2.example.com <http://ldap-1.example.com/>, DNS:

But No luck.

Please help.


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