Thanks Steve and Erwann,

Putting the OCSP response inside a tagged object did the job for OpenSSL recognizing the OtherRevocationInfoFormat. BouncyCastle also changed the CMS version to 5 automatically when I did it, and I've changed the OID to the proper one (id-ri-ocsp-response).

Now OpenSSL is complaining about a wrong tag :(
But I've re-checked the structure, and it seem fine now.

Here goes the logs:

gabriel@gag-desktop:~/bin/openssl_src$ ~/bin/ /tmp/sig3/META-INF/BR-ecdsaTest.EC
Error reading S/MIME message
3076483816:error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag:tasn_dec.c:1319: 3076483816:error:0D06C03A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_D2I_EX_PRIMITIVE:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:831: 3076483816:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:751:Field=otherRevInfoFormat, Type=CMS_OtherRevocationInfoFormat 3076483816:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:737:

In the source, this is thrown when the asn1_check_tlen(/*Check an ASN1 tag and length*/) function is called and return an error, so I've added a printf to get more details (as there's no verbose flag to openssl cms):
    if (exptag >= 0)
        if ((exptag != ptag)
            printf("exptag %d\n", exptag);
            printf("ptag %d\n", ptag);
exptag 6
ptag 16
Error reading S/MIME message...

And if I issue 'openssl ocsp -respin resp.der' the response contents are printed just fine, so it is ok. resp.der has the same binary contents of the "response as received" tag below:

______________________ references
RFC 2560 4.2.1:
   OCSPResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
      responseStatus         OCSPResponseStatus,
      responseBytes          [0] EXPLICIT ResponseBytes OPTIONAL }

   OCSPResponseStatus ::= ENUMERATED {
       successful            (0),  --Response has valid confirmations
       malformedRequest      (1),  --Illegal confirmation request

RFC 5652 10.2.1:
For example, Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Responses [OCSP] can be supported using the OtherRevocationInfoFormat.
OtherRevocationInfoFormat ::= SEQUENCE {
        otherRevInfoFormat OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
        otherRevInfo ANY DEFINED BY otherRevInfoFormat }

_______________________ generated structure
SEQUENCE(2 elem) //Modified CMS structure with an embedded OCSP response - OpenSSL don't like it
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER 1.2.840.113549.1.7.2 //signedData PKCS #7
    [0] (1) //SignedData
        SEQUENCE(6 elem) //RFC 3852
            INTEGER 5 //CMS version - now correct
            SET (1 elem) //folded - digest algs.
            SEQUENCE(1 elem) //folded - encap. content info
            [0](2) //folded - certificates
            [1](1) //CRLS
                [1](1) //OtherRevocationInfoFormat
                    SEQUENCE (2 elem) //OCSP response
OBJECT IDENTIFIER // id-ri-ocsp-response SEQUENCE (2 elem) // <-- response as received - rfc2560 item 4.2.1 ENUMERATED (0) // Response has valid confirmations
                            [0] //EXPLICIT ResponseBytes
                                SEQUENCE (2 elem)
OBJECT IDENTIFIER // ocspBasic OCTET STRING (1 elem) //folded - issuer identification and certificate
                                        SEQUENCE(4 elem)
                                            SEQUENCE(4 elem)
                                                [0](1) //version
[1](1) //folded - issuer info - Thawte SGC OCSP Responder GeneralizedTime 2011-09-20 05:51:40 UTC //issued time SEQUENCE (1 elem) //status info and hashes
                                            SEQUENCE(2 elem) //sig. alg
                                            BIT STRING(1024 bit)
                                            [0](1) //signature
            SET(1 elem) //folded - CMS signer info

Thanks for any comment.

On 22-09-2011 11:48, Erwann Abalea wrote:
Le 22/09/2011 16:10, Dr. Stephen Henson a écrit :
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011, Erwann Abalea wrote:

*Gabriel Marques*
R&D Technical Leader

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