
Does anybody know whether openssl s_client and s_server support the use of
-dtls1 option while the server uses ECC key?
The issuing CA and root CA use ECC keypair.

These are my openssl s_server and s_client options:
openssl s_server -accept 12000 -cert server.pem -certform pem -key
server_key.pem -keyform pem -CApath . -CAfile CAECCRoot.pem -dtls1 -cipher
ALL -debug -msg -state
openssl s_client -connect: -CApath . -CAfile CAECCRoot.pem
-dtls1 -cipher ALL -debug -msg -state

When I attempted to do this, the s_client gives error:

SSL3 alert write:fatal:decrypt error
SSL_connect:error in SSLv3 read server key exchange B
5551756:error:1408D07B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_KEY_EXCHANGE:bad

further down, I notice that the Verify return code: 0 (ok).

I also use openssl verify to verify the server certificate using
the issuing CA and root CA. The result agrees with the result shown by the
s_client debug message.

On the second note, I also try the s_server with RSA keypair, issued by the
same issuing CA; the server certificate has RSA public key with signature
algorithm is ecdsa-with-SHA256.
In this scenario, the s_client was able to establish tls connection with the

Does this mean that the openssl s_client and s_server does not support ECC

Any pointer or idea how further troubleshoot this?


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