
While testing Apache-trunk (which will become apache 2.3.15), including the patch to use OpenSSL CRL validation, I've come to disagree with what OpenSSL does.

My scheme is:
- CA1 is a root (trust anchor), which is now in its first generation (lets call it CA1g1)
 - U1, U2, U3 are end-user certificates, issued by CA1
 - U1 is revoked, and the CRL is published (lets call it CRLg1)

Given CA1g1 and CRLg1 in the "CApath", I can validate U2 and U3, and U1 is correctly declared revoked.

I now renew CA1, with a rekey. I now have a second generation of the same CA (same name), lets call it CA1g2.
CA1g2 issues U4, U5, U6.

Given a "CApath" containing CA1g1, CA1g2, and CRLg1, I can still validate U2 and U3, and check that U1 is revoked. However, I cannot check U4 to U6, OpenSSL complains that it cannot find the CRL (I used strace to check that it reads the CRL "xxx.r0", and tries to find another one "xxx.r1"). If I generate a new CRL with CA1g2 (named CRLg2), and replace CRLg1 with CRLg2 in the "CApath", I cannot validate U1 to U3 (same result: cannot find CRL), but I can validate U4 to U6.

It seems OpenSSL follows the RFC5280 rule added during the transition from RFC3280 to RFC5280, which says "the trust anchor for the certification path MUST be the same as the trust anchor used to validate the target certificate" (6.3.3, f). However, this constraint is only local to RFC5280, it didn't exist before, and does not exist in X.509. Read paragraph 8.1.5 of the 2008 edition of X.509:
If an authority uses the same key to sign certificates and CRLs, a single self-issued certificate of category a) shall be used. If an authority uses a different key to sign CRLs than that used to sign certificates, the authority may choose to issue two self-issued certificates of category a), one for each of the keys. In this situation, certificate users would need access to both self-issued certificates to establish separate trust anchors for certificates and CRLs signed by that
category a) is a self-signed certificate, issued "as a convenient way of encoding the public key associated with the private key used to sign the certificate, so that it can be communicated to, and stored as trust anchors by, its certificate using systems".

I looked at the test descriptions of the NIST's PKITS, the renewal of the root is not taken into consideration, no help from them.

So, while the PKIX IETF point of view is now clearly: "you never renew the whole hierarchy, you just create a new one in parallel, which can eventually have the same name", it contradicts X.509 (a CA is a name). Shouldn't OpenSSL give a way to follow X.509 rather that RFC5280? Have I missed a specific option that does just that?


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