
Your points are all good. However, I have found the compatibility not good with customer installed versions versus my own. One of the problems, for example, could be that openssl compiles with a certain type of threads, not the same as your application. Same with semaphores and who knows what else. It could be many features like that. It could be changes in product I have found. Also, if they install in a different location than you, the header of your program will not find it (which can be solved with links on the user's system, sometimes). Sometimes the user installs a version with other dependencies (for example I use libxml2 but not the libzip ... and when a customer put the libzip version in, my application had problems).

So then what I was doing was putting my versions of the dynamic libraries in my own location /usr/local/application_name/lib

And linking that way and installing that way.

But then when the security changes came ... I had to again install something and I realized it was easier to just install the static linked software. You also get tighter testing because it will force you to get the latest version, compile it, link it, test it, then install it. I do a LOT of cross-platform (AIX, Linux, OS/X, SCO, HP/UX, Windows, etc) work and have found that I am always safer linking exactly what I want and releasing that. I guess I feel I have more control over quality this way.

BUT THIS IS JUST A DUMB OPINION -- most people disagree. I have found in practice that the dream of the O/S level updates magically making security updates work for your software is a dream that is more nightmare than pleasant. But that is just me. There are others who do agree, I am not alone, but I would guess a minority.

As for the export question -- if they are not allowed certain things they are not allowed. Depending on your application, it may be OK. So if you require the illegal export of strong encryption and you install or ask them to install, you and they are in trouble.

If your application is, say, a credit card application -- and it is static linked and can ONLY be used to process credit cards (and you let them generate keys through you) you are in fact able to export without legal complication. I export, had legal advise.

I am not sure what you mean by the GNU licensing conflict. You are still only charging for your application, whether you static or dynamic link. I do always include the proper copyright files and put them in /usr/local/lib ... even though my link is static. I checked this as well.

I will tell you that both my legal checks were cursory but I am confident they were sufficient. If you are really worried, check with a lawyer. On the GNU I think it is pretty much a matter of the intent of the license anyway. If you disclose it's use, include the proper copyright/license files, and don't charge for it, I think you are fine.

There are taste issues on this -- but you may be happier with a static link. It will load a giga-blip faster too with static link, and you won't even notice :-) A lot will depend on what your software is and how much of it. We have thousands of customers. We do credit cards which requires certification and you cannot (should not) allow the customer to change "your" software by installing a dynamic library. In fact, what if they built themselves their own libraries that wrote the unencrypted text out to a file? Then they could steal credit card numbers. BAD BAD BAD. It is a security hole to allow dynamic libraries because you have no control on what is really there. You cannot look at a customer or credit card auditor and say with a straight face that you control the encryption and there is no security leak. If you statically link something in and certify it ... it is what is is. Under current credit card rules you may do minor updates just by notifying them -- so if you find a security patch that applies to your application (most don't for me) then you download, link statically, report to everyone who needs to know, and install your app again.


At 12:13 PM 10/28/2011, Kristen J. Webb wrote:

On 10/28/11 12:39 PM, Eric S. Eberhard wrote:
I have an easy solution I use because not only do you have the problem with
admins not having the library installed, you have the problem of them having the wrong version installed for something they need. Your app or theirs won't work.
Or yours will, and they update openssl and it no longer does. And some places
with strict security policies won't let you install things like openssl (but if
they want your app they have to install it!). I simply build the static
libraries and link them in. This means nothing need exist on the target machine
and that you have a more stable product because you have tested against the
library version you have static linked. You could argue it makes the program
bigger and my answer is -- say what? My iPod could handle my entire business
suite and data (for disk space, not actually running) -- so who cares. I have
found this is often the easiest way to go. I also make a small wrapper that only builds certs from openssl and uses a different name, again making it appear to
be my software. I also allow them to use a Web interface to my site to make a
cert and download it. Eric
Static linking is something that we looked at a while back.  Some other
folks have convinced me that static linking may not the best way to go.

        - You have to keep up with security updates.  If you link against
        the system libraries, then security vulnerabilities can be handled
        at the OS level.  OS vendors try hard not to break backward
        compatibility, but I suppose time will tell if this will come
        back to bite us ;)

        - I don't have a complete answer on this yet, but it would seem
        to me that dynamic linking against crypto libraries instead of
        shipping those bits (static link) would make life easier from a
        US export side, but I am no lawyer!

        - If I am not mistaken, linking against system OpenSSL libraries
        allows you to work around the GNU licensing conflict which
        had me worried early on as I looked to adopting OpenSSL.
        Again, I'm no lawyer!

Relying on OS configuration is more difficult, especially for Linux, as I need
to now build against many linux distro's to get things right.  Thanks
to virtual environments, this is at least manageable.

At 11:09 AM 10/28/2011, Kristen J. Webb wrote:
After all my wrangling, I'm leaning towards just using client certs.

Is it a reasonable assumption that on UNIX'es these days I can
expect to find AND the openssl command line?

If not, is it reasonable to assume that A sysadmin will
install openssl to get my app to work?

Otherwise, it would seem that something as easy and well
documented as creating a CSR could be a lot more coding...

Many thanks for all the useful comments!

On 10/27/11 7:20 AM, Michael S. Zick wrote:
On Wed October 26 2011, Kristen J. Webb wrote:
Having an app that can use certs, it
appears, is nothing compared with how to deploy it and manage those certs ;)

A general truism not specific to "certs".

Recognizing (or implementing) a "need for trust" is one thing;
Determining (or establishing) what is to be trusted is quite another.

Your roof leaks.
Its easy to find a contractor who claims they will fix it.
Its an entirely different matter to find one you can __trust__ to do
the job correctly and to your satisfaction.


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        Home of the

 True incremental Backup System

Eric S. Eberhard
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