Le 16/12/2011 17:57, Mick a écrit :
On Friday 16 Dec 2011 16:23:52 you wrote:
man req
Then look for the "-utf8" argument.

I took your example below, added "-utf8" argument, and it worked.
You can display the content with "openssl req -text -noout -in
blabla.pem -nameopt multiline,utf8,-esc_msb"
Would using -utf8 resolve the original OP problem?

To create the request/certificate, yes.
This is what I do to embed accented characters in UTF8.


openssl req -utf8 -new -nodes -newkey rsa:512 -keyout THORSTROM.key -out THORSTROM.csr -subj "/O=ESBJÖRN.com/OU=Esbjörn-Thörstrom Group/CN=Áki Thörstrom"

on an UTF8 capable terminal, with a "string_mask = utf8only" in the right openssl.cnf file, gives me a certificate request correctly encoded in UTF8 with the wanted characters in the DN.

minilactopotage: intense satisfaction

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