On Thursday 29 Dec 2011 04:46:26 you wrote:
> > From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Mick
> > Sent: Monday, 26 December, 2011 14:01
> <snip: CA-vs-EE DN string types>
> > I seem to have overcome the original problem.  Now both the
> > cacert and signed
> > client certificates are formatted in the same way.  I used -policy
> > policy_anything to avoid complaints from openssl ca.
> > 
> > Unfortunately the problem of authenticating on the VPN
> > gateway remains.  :-(
> > 
> > I would be grateful for some advice, as I am not sure if I am
> > following the
> > correct steps.  I have created a request for a client certificate:
> > 
> > ==========================================
> > 
> >  openssl req -config ./openssl_VPN.cnf -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout
> > 
> > VPN_test_key.pem -days 1095 -out VPN_test_cert.req
> > ==========================================
> Aside: for req -new without -x509, -days is ignored and useless.

Ah!  Thanks I didn't know this.  I thought that the CLI options prevail in any 

> > ==========================================
> > openssl ca -config ./openssl_VPN.cnf -extensions usr_cert
> > -days 1095 -cert
> > cacert_VPN.pem -keyfile VPN_CA/private/cakey_VPN.pem -policy
> > policy_anything -
> > infiles VPN_test_cert.req
> <snip>
> > However, trying to verify it brings up some errors:
> > ==========================================
> > openssl verify -verbose -CAfile cacert_VPN.pem -x509_strict
> > -policy_print -
> > issuer_checks VPN_test_cert.pem
> > VPN_test_cert.pem: C = GB, O = Sundial, CN = VPN_test_XPS
> > error 29 at 0 depth lookup:subject issuer mismatch
> > C = GB, O = Sundial, CN = VPN_test_XPS
> > error 29 at 0 depth lookup:subject issuer mismatch
> > C = GB, O = Sundial, CN = VPN_test_XPS
> > error 29 at 0 depth lookup:subject issuer mismatch
> > OK
> > ==========================================
> -issuer_checks can be misleading; these "errors"
> are the results of internal tests for a root cert
> (i.e. issued by itself) and thus quite normal.
> Since the final result is OK, OpenSSL is happy.

OK, its good to know that openssl is happy.

> > and the asn1parser fails too:
> > ==========================================
> > openssl asn1parse -in VPN_test_cert.pem
> > Error in encoding
> > 139747192850088:error:0D07207B:asn1 encoding
> > routines:ASN1_get_object:header
> > too long:asn1_lib.c:150:
> > ==========================================
> Make sure you asn1parse a file/input containing ONLY
> valid data (here dashed-BEGIN, b64 cert, dashed-END).
> All(?) other openssl PEM functions accept and ignore
> comments or "garbage" before BEGIN or after END, but
> not asn1parse. And some openssl functions including ca
> PUT such comments. You can avoid editing a copy by:
>   awk '/-BEGIN/,/-END/' filewithextra | openssl asn1parse
> on any *nix, and on Windows if you add an awk port.

Just tried this and all certs are parsed correctly.  So clearly the router is 
not chocking on an encoding error.

> > The cacert does not suffer from such verification or parsing
> > errors, but certificates signed by it, do.
> > The errors that the router authentication shows are:
> <snip>
> But as far as pleasing your router, I have no clue, sorry.

Thank you Dave.  Your comments have been most informative.  I have raised a 
support request with the router manufacturer and wait to see what they come up 
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