Le 22/05/2012 10:57, Eisenacher, Patrick a écrit :
-----Original Message-----
From: Erwann Abalea


Le 21/05/2012 14:10, Serge Emantayev a écrit :
Hello openSSL gurus,

I faced an issue of pathlen constraint checking by openSSL
when verifying the client certificate. I did few studies for
how openSSL does that and I appreciate your assistance on
clarifying the issue.
1. The certificate chain with a pathlen constraint defined
in a root CA:
Root CA, pathlen:1
   \ policy CA, pathlen:none
      \ issuer CA, pathlen:none
         \ client certificate

In the first case openSSL does not verify the certificate
correctly (i.e. the verification succeeds). It ignores the
pathlen constraint defined in the root CA.

This is conformant with X.509. The basicConstraints extension is not
taken in consideration if present in a trust anchor (a root
is a trust anchor).
Download X.509 recommendation, see chapter 10 (from memory), the
validation algorithm is described.
Actually, I find this hard to believe. The verifying party can deem any 
certificate as trusted and thereby making it its trust anchor. Nevertheless the 
verification process needs to take into account the extensions of the trust 
anchor and I don't see any reason to exclude basicConstraints. Can you please 
cite the relevant part of the validation algorithm that you reference?

Taken from X.509, 2008/11 edition. But IIRC, the algorithm is the same since the 2000 edition, at least.

10.5 Certificate processing

Each certificate is then processed in turn, starting with the certificate signed using the input trusted public key. The last certificate is considered to be the end certificate; any other certificates are considered to be intermediate certificates.

Note that the first certificate taken into consideration is signed by the trust anchor, and not the trust anchor itself.

10.5.1 Basic certificate checks

The following checks are applied to a certificate. Self-signed certificates, if encountered in the path, are ignored.

a) Check that the signature verifies, that dates are valid, that the certificate subject and certificate issuer
names chain correctly, and that the certificate has not been revoked.

b) For an intermediate version 3 certificate, check that basicConstraints is present and that the cA component in the basicConstraints extension is TRUE. If the pathLenConstraint component is present, check that the current certification path does not violate that constraint (ignoring intermediate self-issued

[...other basic steps...]

The same logic applies for other constraints extensions. Basically, from the trust anchor, you only take the public key, name, and validity dates. No extension at all. That's because a trust anchor doesn't need to be a certificate at all.

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